

Ask @NataleighCherXO

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Smile because you're beautiful and never let anyone tell you different. If you ever need anyone to talk to or ask advice you can always come to me and I'll try to help you as much as I can. Please never hurt yourself again. Keep smiling and stay strong:3x

Courtney Louise
I love you
Liked by: Courtney Louise

Who was your childhood hero? Who is your hero now?

I'm still a child lol but I guess my grandad, my hero now is char n Naomi n bex n Leah n courts n oli n kellin n Austin n Vic

Describe your crush?

He is perf and he sings/screams to me everynight and he makes me happy and me him and Josh franchesci are all going to be best friends 5 ever and I'm going to marry Oli and we will all live happily ever after. I just really love Oli

Nat sorry but that parts about Lauren really aha sorry but its quite pathetic, have you seen Laurens room? Wow aha and her phone and BTW she clearly knows more than one song by the bands she likes cos her phone download songs and I've sent her loads so yh that was 'BULSHIT' okay ye bye

I don't want to fall out with you over it, it's just my opinion and stuff, I got asked the question so I answered it honestly, I don't want to fall out with you but me ad Lauren are just never going to be friends x

If you could live anyone's life for a day, who would it be?

Oli Sykes, Hannah Snowden, Matt Nicholls, Lee Malia, Matt Kean, Jordan Fish, Copleland Quinn etc.
Liked by: Emma Gabrielle

Where are you meeting kerk and what time? xx

*Kirk* and at whsmiths at the metro centre for his book signing and the signings at 4 so around then, who is this? xx

you're beautiful. okok these anon cunts can just fuck off cause they obiously can't tell how gorgeous and how much of a lovely person you are. smileee

Who is this? I'm trying to smile

Anons, could you please leave Nataleigh alone she's amazing! She doesn't deserve any of this! She's probably one of the kindest people you'll ever meet, so stop giving her hate or I'll kick yous all in the teeth ok? Love you Nataleighh!xxx

abbie telford
Love you abbie xxx
Liked by: abbie telford


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