

Ask @NataleighCherXO

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Ok I'm just giving people from my school who I know have might have been feeling a bit down or something lately something nice to wake up to. Nataleigh your so beautiful and caring and kind. You always make me smile and are so strong. I know this is pretty short but if you ever need anything ---->


I would but I'm sick of putting everything over you..

I don't honestly care if I help someone it makes me happy so please inbox me I won't bite

Thing is, I thought my friends would be here for me. But no, like everything it's all been thrown back in my face. I'm sick of being judged for something I did in the past. I'm sick of getting pathetic insults which I pretend don't get to me when they do. I'm sick of everything:'(

Thing will get better ok, I know from experience. I'm always here for you I don't know you but I'm always here. I know it's hard but ignore the insults ok its pathetic people saying pathetic things that they know will get to you, everyone gets sick of everything at one point even me, if you're friends aren't there for you then they don't seem like good friends tbh. People will judge you but just try to ignore them. talk to your friends about it and if they can't except it then tell them to fuck off they aren't worth it if they can't help you. Stay Strong xxxx

I'm worthless and have no one. I might as well just be dead.

You're not worthless okay, you have the whole of your life ahead of you, you have people all around you who love and care for you about you. You are here for a reason okay you have everything to live for and THINGS WILL GET BETTER! If you died ok how many people would be upset? Think of your parents and family? Your friends everyone around you would be lost without you. You're not better of dead you are here for a reason ok. You have me ok I'm only an inbox away I don't care who you are our what you're story is I will listen to you. I've been in a similar place to you and felt how you do now but with help and support from my friends I'm in a much better place now. I Love You ok. Stay Strong xxxx

Thoughts on Naomi Duggan? X

She's perf ok she's always been there for me and I'm always here for her.
She's unreal ok her figure is just ajsgsjshqkajakajssj yh I'm jel
She's one of the strongest people I know and doesn't deserve any of the hate she gets tbh
I love naomi ok :*x


Language: English