

Ask @NataleighCherXO

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Clearly just because I don't like popular music doesn mean I'm weird or a creep. I'm me, I'm normal just do one

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1.Are you a virgin? 2.do you want to have sex with someone? 3.are you confident with yourself?

CaitlinWood14’s Profile PhotoKate
1- O2 m8 2- eventually yeh 3- am I fuck, I hate myself, I have 0 confidence in myself

Fav day of the week? Fav number? Fav person? Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcxxxx

Everday we have English - 7 - everyone apart from fires and hickeys - inside joke xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Liked by: Karris Sara finch

issues n woe, is me is good and so is man overboard omg and what song? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

We can be band buddies okokok and the song is building coral castles its gr8 omfg xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Liked by: Karris Sara finch

omg yeyeyeyeyeeyey and good!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

We are too coote maaan,omg I also like issues and I have just found a song with the words we use and Kellin and it's fab omfg xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Liked by: Karris Sara finch

they're great one day you should come to mine okok and we can go through all ma usic and you can listen to it with me n be coottttt xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

We should do this some time in the half term omfg we can be coote together and I like The Acacia Strain they are fab xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

ikik omg you should listen to The Acacia Strain they're gr8888 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I'll listen too them now ok n tell you if I like to them okokok xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Kenya* bby, kenya;))))) heheheheheheheheh

Soz hun -. You should listen to lower than Atlantis there fabulous okokok

hI h0w r u, I am gUD bcos u R GUd fwend n I l@ve you s0 I fink u shuD marri me instED, oK biiiiiiiiiiiye

In English hun - i love you too n I'm marrying oli sykes awks


Language: English