
Ronin Nav

Ask @Nav_96

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Because of what happened in the past it can never be like that people will always agree with what the white people did and think whites are superior or thinks blacks are superior because of what they went through it's life we just have to deal with it

true true .. but not the whole world nowadays thinks that way stuff have changed slightly tbh
i mean if you compare it to the past tbh

@ and don't bullshit me 😂

you shit ! ily
ily more than wheels love fuel/gasoline
you're like the amazing shit I've seen in my life ( remove the word shit and replace it with human)
you're so gorgeous sometimes i wonder what would happen if you weren't a lesbian and i lived near you 👀🙊 (not bullshitting)
you're absolutely such a true beauty
also has mad radar skills ffs
thank you for dragging my ass back on this site x
we should talk more than a baby bullshits after changing diaper ily x


that screen post gave me a headache ffs
um kristy you're really attractive and i like how weird you can be with selfies really shows beauty on another level 😜
you're really funny tbh
i feel special by the fact you follow me tbh
we should definitely talk more
brb let me go amd leave your fridge empty! haha
great funny person and worth following always x
send your @'s for an opinion


Dan my man those balls 😂😂😂
i love your personality and sense of humour mate
you're freaking hilarious
you're a funny guy
great to talk to too
amazing lad tbh
we should meet one day
attractive af tbh
send your @'s for an opinion
Liked by: ShEiKH UmAiR


Language: English