

Ask @NeonClockwork

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How will you celebrate 3/9 miku day?

Well I have work in the morning, but when I get home I'm gonna try and draw a Miku!
Probably while marathoning Miku songs to boot haha

Who is your smartest friend?

Thats hard to say. Prince is a frickin math whiz and Taro is majoring in the sciences so I'd say they were but all my friends are incredibly bright people regardless of their academic pursuits, so its not really fair to say one is 'smarter' than the other, you know.
What is with all these questions asking us to rank our friends on various traits that seems kind of weird.

What's a phrase you use often?

'idk probably' 'hella rad' 'like (number)% sure'
I have a lot of things I repeat quite a bit

Did you ever fall asleep in school?

Not to my recollection, though my teachers were usually quite strict and several in my high school had taken it upon themselves to develop different ways to wake kids up that I'd rather've not experienced. (Nothing too horrible, just loud and/or incredibly embarrassing)
However I did have friends of the 'power nap in the locker room / restrooms' type when I was younger, and when I had an anxiety attack I'd usually head somewhere like that to calm down before the teachers and/or doctors figured out what was going on.
Everyone knows there is always one bathroom/locker room/hallway/etc in almost any school that the teachers like, never check and kids usually have that info within the first few weeks of school.

Do you wear socks in bed?

I used to when I was younger but now they're just a hassle, so no.
I toss and sleep in weird positions and get tangled in my sheets/clothes/self so it just easier to not wear them.

What is the weirdest thing you've heard somebody say?

'the only logical choice was bladder ninjas' my sister
she's really a goldmine for this kinda stuff

Would you rather be rich and famous or poor and happy?

Rich and famous, as long as my family and friends weren't forced into the spotlight b/c they associate w/ me.
I'd be able to handle it as long as I knew I could comfortably support them and not have them dragged into it, b/c from what I've seen, being 'famous' is not as nice as one would think, and people around you tend to get hounded by others, be it paparazzi, or a fanbase, simply for being in your inner circle, and the last thing I would want to do would be to cause anyone stress/anxiety b/c they want to be around me.

What's something you're not very good at but enjoy doing anyway?

Writing. I'm not /terrible/ but I could def improve, and I think thats probably why I try to do it so much.

If you could choose a special talent, what would you pick?

being able to fluently speak/read a number of languages in addition to English.

How did you come up with your username?

I used to really like neon colors (esp against dark/black backgrounds) and clocks/steampunk type stuff and after awhile I used it for so many things it just kinda stuck, so now its basically my goto for anything I'm on.

Will you watch the Oscars?

Probably not. But I've never really been into award shows anyway so its not that big a deal.

What is your favourite vegetable?

The potato! They're incredibly versatile and fairly good for you to boot.
Cauliflower is pretty rad too.

Neon!!! Do you think will Tina ever stop being a filthy stoler what is your opinion on this does she have hope

I hope Tina can one day give up her stoling ways she is not beyond help and one day she will understand how bad being a stoler is

What is the very last thing you do before you settle in to fall asleep at night?

turn off my computer b/c I use the light to find my way back to my bed

Tell me ur vocaloid otps

pikomiki = my nyas
but tbh I ship just about anything if my friends can convince me
which just means they talk about it enough haha
Liked by: Teru




Language: English