

Ask @NeonClockwork

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What is the one thing you could not live without?

Aside from the smartass food/water/shelter answer, I'd say probably sketchpads or some sort of way to draw. I once went several months with no Internet access and just missing my online friends, but I hate going more than a few days without something to draw in.

What do you think animals think about humans?

They're probably just as baffled about us as we are about some of the things we do tbh.
I'm sure pets appreciate getting free food though

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Have you ever fired a real gun?

Yes, several times in fact. I live in the middle of nowhere so its like, the main thing to do.
I'm a godawful shot though, even at like, two feet away in broad daylight.

What was the first thing you learned to cook?

Scrambled eggs. I don't do much of my own cooking though, unless its like, frozen stuff you make in the oven. I'm a wiz at that

How many times do you hit the snooze button before getting up?

None! The alarm on my clock is terribly grating on the ears, so I never use it. I'm usually up before it would go off anyway.

Language: English