
Nora May

Ask @NoraKitties

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If you had to get one thing tattooed on your forehead, what would it be?

nai269549’s Profile Photoʟᴇɪᴀɴ ♕
A small heart or something.
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If you had to get one thing tattooed on your forehead what would it be
Liked by: Nora May

Hey! Which is your favorite chocolate 🍫 😋? Mine is amul milkybar chocolate

This one! Sadly they don't sell it here in The Netherlands.
📷 Google
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Geocaching: NoraKitties
Hey Which is your favorite chocolate    Mine is amul milkybar chocolate
Liked by: Nora May

هل أنت أنسان ؟ منفتح ( ليبرالي ) منغلق ( أسلامي) معتدل ( مره لبرالي ومره أسلامي) معتدل كثيرا( قليلن من االبرالي وكثيرن أسلامي)

bojassemfreedom’s Profile Photoko
نعم انا انسان. ولست دينيًا ولا ليبراليًا.
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Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
هل أنت أنسان  

منفتح  ليبرالي 
منغلق  أسلامي
معتدل  مره لبرالي ومره أسلامي

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لو تقدملك شاب لديه مقومات مثلا ؟ كمثال الشكل 2 الشهادة 3 دينه وخلقه 1 رتبيهم بالترتيب من الأولي إلي الأخير حسب رغبتك

bojassemfreedom’s Profile Photoko
ششادة؟ ما هذا؟
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Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
لو تقدملك شاب لديه مقومات مثلا  


الشكل 2
الشهادة 3 
دينه وخلقه

ماهو الأسئلة التي يريد الخاطب الطرح عليكي. أسئلة تهمك طبعا؟ سؤوال للمرأة وماهو السؤال الذي تريده أن تطرحه أذا رحت خطبته؟ سؤوال للرجل (سؤوال عن الزواج) جاوبوه

bojassemfreedom’s Profile Photoko
أنا لا أفهم ما الذي تتحدث عنه.
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Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
ماهو الأسئلة التي  يريد الخاطب الطرح عليكي أسئلة تهمك طبعا سؤوال للمرأة 


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بصراحة هل يعجبك واقعك؟ بشكل عام

bojassemfreedom’s Profile Photoko
لا ، لا أفعل.
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Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
بصراحة هل يعجبك واقعك بشكل عام

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Wenn für einen Tag alles illegale legal wäre, was würdest du tun?

frlarissa’s Profile Photobyebye
Eine Bank ausrauben.
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Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Wenn für einen Tag alles illegale legal wäre was würdest du tun

Voor alle Prince Charming kijkers, wie denk je wie het gaat worden, Scott of Jakop?

Ik kijk het niet.
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Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Voor alle Prince Charming kijkers wie denk je wie het gaat worden Scott of Jakop

Bist du gerne auf Ask? Wenn ja, warum? 🥰

frlarissa’s Profile Photobyebye
Nicht mehr so viel wie früher. Diese App bekommt von Tag zu Tag mehr Bugs.
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Follow me on:
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Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Bist du gerne auf Ask Wenn ja warum
Liked by: Nora May

Если завтра война, что делать?

Беги за нашей жизнью.
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Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Если завтра война что делать
Liked by: Nora May

Czy irytuje Cię fakt, gdzie ktoś Cię usiłuje za wszelką cenę namawiać na coś, na co nie masz ochoty lub wiesz, że to coś Ci się nie spodoba?

panukash45’s Profile PhotoUkash
Tak. Nie lubię, gdy ktoś mi mówi, co mam robić. Zwłaszcza gdy jest to coś, czego nie lubię robić.
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Tiktok: NoraKitties
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Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Czy irytuje Cię fakt gdzie ktoś Cię usiłuje za wszelką cenę namawiać na coś na

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En je vraag is?
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Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
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Trinkst du Alkohol?

frlarissa’s Profile Photobyebye
Ich nicht. Ich mag den Geschmack nicht.
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Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Trinkst du Alkohol

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Hai ma PENSATO di andare via? (Scappare di casa)

L'ho fatto quando ho vissuto con i miei genitori.
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Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Hai ma PENSATO di andare via
Scappare di casa


geertjan1997’s Profile PhotoGeert-jan Bos
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Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties

Hi there NoraKitties

cocokrunch73’s Profile Photo✨۵ кoкoкrunch 아티카 ⛧
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
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Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Hi there NoraKitties

Space 🌴

I need that chair!
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Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties

Zdravím študuje tu niekto právo a vyzná sa v zákonoch? Ak áno, chcel by som sa niečo opýtať prosím

Neštudujem to, ale niečo viem, keďže môj bývalý to študuje a často o tom hovorí.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
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Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
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Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Zdravím študuje tu niekto právo a vyzná sa v zákonoch Ak áno chcel by som sa

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Zdravím študuje tu niekto právo a vyzná sa v zákonoch? Ak áno, chcel by som sa niečo opýtať prosím

Neštudujem to, ale niečo viem, keďže môj bývalý to študuje a často o tom hovorí.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Zdravím študuje tu niekto právo a vyzná sa v zákonoch Ak áno chcel by som sa


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Follow me on:
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Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties

If you could give advice to your 5-years ago self, what would you say?

Run now you still can. They'll destroy you any way possible and you'll end up with so much trauma. Find a safe place.
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Follow me on:
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Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
If you could give advice to your 5years ago self what would you say

↹ Gostaria de visitar/ não gostaria ↹ A cidade de Suva?

Eu gostaria de.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Gostaria de visitar não gostaria  A cidade de 	Suva

↹ Gostaria de visitar/ não gostaria ↹ A cidade de Adis Abeba ?

Nunca ouvi falar, mas gostaria de ver.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Gostaria de visitar não gostaria  A cidade de	Adis Abeba

↹ Gostaria de visitar/ não gostaria ↹ A cidade de Talim?

Eu gostaria de.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Gostaria de visitar não gostaria  A cidade de 	Talim

↹ Gostaria de visitar/ não gostaria ↹ A cidade de Washington, D.C.?

Sim, está na minha lista de desejos!
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Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Gostaria de visitar não gostaria  A cidade de 	Washington DC


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