
Nora May

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Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
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alpersex’s Profile PhotoDogus Alpergun
Ve sorunuz şu?
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Bazende kalıyosun yarım

‏تنفسوا الصباح حُباً ورضا فلا شيء أروع من قلوب باتت راضية وأصبحَت مُبتسمة اللهم خاطرًا طيبًا ونفسًا هنيّة وصدرًا راضيًا. #صباح_الخير🌱..

duaalhlwda’s Profile Photoدعاء الحلو
هذا هو Askfm ، وليس Quote.fm
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
تنفسوا الصباح حبا ورضا فلا شيء أروع
 من قلوب باتت راضية وأصبحت مبتسمة 

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اللهم لُطفاً ، يحل على تفاصيل أيامنا فيغير مساراتها للأفضل .

duaalhlwda’s Profile Photoدعاء الحلو
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
اللهم لطفا  يحل على تفاصيل أيامنا فيغير مساراتها للأفضل

" إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ ۚ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًا "

duaalhlwda’s Profile Photoدعاء الحلو
في هذه المرحلة تبدو وكأنك إرهابي. إجبار دينك باستمرار على الآخرين.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
إن الله وملائكته يصلون على النبي  يا أيها الذين آمنوا صلوا عليه وسلموا تسليما

‏وما تلك الأيام إلا بداية لخَيرٍ آتٍ لا محالة.. ‏"سَيجعَل الله بعدَ عُسرٍ يُسرًا."

duaalhlwda’s Profile Photoدعاء الحلو
يرجى الاحتفاظ بهراءك الديني لنفسك.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
وما تلك الأيام إلا بداية لخير آت لا محالة

سيجعل الله بعد عسر يسرا

‏نقل ابن القيم أثرا عن أبي الدرداء أنه قال " إن العبد يخلو بمعاصي الله ... فيلقي الله بغضه في قلوب المؤمنين من حيث لا يشعر ..! "💚

duaalhlwda’s Profile Photoدعاء الحلو
يرجى الاحتفاظ بهراءك الديني لنفسك.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
نقل ابن القيم أثرا عن أبي الدرداء أنه قال
 إن العبد يخلو بمعاصي الله 
فيلقي الله

‏نقل ابن القيم أثرا عن أبي الدرداء أنه قال " إن العبد يخلو بمعاصي الله ... فيلقي الله بغضه في قلوب المؤمنين من حيث لا يشعر ..! "💚

duaalhlwda’s Profile Photoدعاء الحلو
يرجى الاحتفاظ بهراءك الديني لنفسك.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
نقل ابن القيم أثرا عن أبي الدرداء أنه قال
 إن العبد يخلو بمعاصي الله 
فيلقي الله

دع الأشياء تأتي وتذهب.. الأشياء المقدر لها البقاء ستبقى.

duaalhlwda’s Profile Photoدعاء الحلو
والسؤال هو؟
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
دع الاشياء تاتي وتذهب الاشياء المقدر لها البقاء ستبقى

Qui dors pas encore

Encore? J'ai dormi, je me suis réveillé il y a une heure.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Qui dors pas encore

+ 2 💬 messages

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والسؤال هو؟
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties

Have a good day 🌸🌸🌸

Thank you, you too!
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Have a good day

+ 5 💬 messages

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Good morning*.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Liked by: Nora May


If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Liked by: Nora May


If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Liked by: Nora May

Over thinking 💭

And the question is?
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Over thinking
Liked by: Nora May

Fav ice cream flavour?

Unicorn! It tastes a little like cotton candy. Love it!
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Fav ice cream flavour
Liked by: Nora May

Geloof je in tweede kansen?

nn_11125’s Profile PhotoPennyta
Niet echt. Tenzij ik echt kan merken dat iemand oprecht spijt heeft en van zijn/haar fout geleerd heeft, dan wil ik misschien nog wel een tweede kans geven, afhankelijk van wat ze gedaan hebben. Maar ik geef vrijwel nooit tweede kansen.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Geloof je in tweede kansen
Liked by: Nora May

Could you found a way to let me down slowly? A little sympathy,i hope you can show me

And yes, I'm aware those are song lyrics. But no.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Could you found a way to let me down slowly
A little sympathyi hope you can show
Liked by: Nora May

Bent u een patriot? Houd je van het land?

Verre van. Ik heb echt niks met het land en begin er zelfs een hekel aan te krijgen.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Bent u een patriot Houd je van het land
Liked by: Nora May

Wat ga je aankomend weekend doen?

Mijn zoontje zijn verjaardag vieren en als ik me weer beter voel ga ik proberen te werken.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Wat ga je aankomend weekend doen
Liked by: Nora May

Ben je gevaccineerd?

Ik ben vrijwel voor alles gevaccineerd, behalve onzinnige dingen zoals corona en de griep.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Ben je gevaccineerd
Liked by: Nora May

Moet je werken?

Eigenlijk wel. Maar ik ben ziek dus ga zo wel weer alles afzeggen.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Moet je werken
Liked by: Nora May


If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Liked by: Nora May

Fijne dag

Dankjewel, jij ook.
If you rather receive video answers, please use #video in your question.
Follow me on:
Twitch: norakitties
Instagram: norakitties / theragingkitties
Tiktok: NoraKitties
Facebook: Nora May - NoraKitties / The Raging Kitties
Snapchat: kellykitties
Swarm: KellyKitties
Geocaching: NoraKitties
Fijne dag
Liked by: Nora May


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