
أوتاكومارو-ساما | Persona

Ask @OtakumaruSama

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اوتاكوما، هل انت هنا؟

أنا هنا, آسف على التأخير.
كنت ترك الآسك وتذكرته للتو.
من يريد التواصل لأي سبب أنا متواجد على أبلكيشن ديسكورد لأني ربما أنسى أن أفتح آسك لأرى الردود بعدي.
username: otakumarusama8
أو لو تريد أن تدخل سيرفر على الآب ولا تريد التواصل على الخاص:

Yeaa, hope ur life after graduating is better than college life. I think this is the end of our correspondence. Thank u for making my college life a bit more enjoyable. Byeee and thanks.

Thank you too, and who knows, maybe our paths will cross again. Until then, I will cherish this memory.

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Sorry it took me too long to msg you XD Was busy graduating tbh xD but yea now u know u shared something in secret with a stranger Weeeeee

Congrats on graduating 🎊👏🎓 I know how hard that was :D

Yeaaa it mist be annoying being with ppl younger than you, there is a huge mind gap in 2 years But ehy horses tho?

yeah I like horses but never ridden one tho 😢

I think I picked them up initially because the drawings were very relatable and it was intresting to like share something in secret with a stranger, i though it was cool tbh

yeah that's kinda what I was hoping for... I was kinda bummed out no one took them or msged me on ask.fm... I assuemd janitors took them or ppl threw them away and were not interested

I remember the conan ones and also a lot of horses! like daaamn alot of them xD, the ones I picked up where mostly in room 351, omg idk why i remember it very vividly, buut u usually changed ur seat every now and then so i had to search for them

yeah I don't really remember drawing conan but I remember horses... I usually sat away from the "kids"... cuz I was 2 years behind 😬 so I didn't really know anyone from my classes in the last 2 years

doodle that much, Networks was VEEEERRYY BORING, I once slept while looking to the Dr in the face XD.

Lol xD yeah networks brings back bad memories i cri

or to meet the artist. I think you made that awkward Monday a little less harsh. Hope I returned the favor a little. Im really glad we finally got the timing almost right :D , and to answer ur concern, no the janitor never got to them as I usually rushed to them. And I totally understand why you'd

I used to leave them in different rooms at different times I had no schedule tbh so I couldn't tell which class I'm leaving the drawings for

For some reason I cant answer the thread, Im an ask noob >-<. I actually found around 6 buuut a colleague took them to view them and never gave them back so I ended up with one, I kept my favorite one XD But I vividly remeber rushing in after the lecture to either collect them

I don't really remember what I drew on those I remember that I sometimes quoted the couple of lines of poems that I knew and liked :P

just keeping the dates of when I check this question here *eyes emoji*

Aaaah... now I'm sorry we keep missing each other >_< oh lord... anyway I'm glad you enjoyed them, btw if you see this... I wanna know how many of them did you find? because I used to leave a lot but I think mostly the janitors would clean them before a lecture starts or something :D
+5 answers in: “No idea. If you are here again or not, but you always kept doodles after lectures, I kept some of them. They all cheer me up when I look at them. Thank you.”

18/12/2020 I am sorry I am so late to answer! I really just sent this as I was cleaning my desk and I saw your doodles. I saw them again today and remembered this question >_< so i guess this my follow up, sadly i dont have enough to make a comic book tho, just a couple that are a source of joy

+5 answers in: “No idea. If you are here again or not, but you always kept doodles after lectures, I kept some of them. They all cheer me up when I look at them. Thank you.”


الشخص صاحب الهواجس الانتحارية تكلمنا مما يزيد على سنتين تقريبًا... لا أعلم إذا كنت سترى هذا أم لا،
كيف حالك الآن؟

No idea. If you are here again or not, but you always kept doodles after lectures, I kept some of them. They all cheer me up when I look at them. Thank you.

Heyyyyy! so someone DID pick them up :D
Thank god I just logged in and saw this... this just made my day! Thank YOU!
--UPDATE 29/2/2020--
I know I answered it the first time late because I wasn't using ask.fm much, but I wanna know if you're here or if you've seen my answer.
I always assumed the janitors cleaned up my drawings when I left them between lectures, in fact, I'm pretty sure a lot of times they did that and one janitor right now has enough drawings to make a comic book, lol.
--UPDATE 3/9/2020--
I check this question every now and then to see if there's any follow up. *eyes emoji*
+5 answers Read more

الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر، لا إله إلا الله...

طاب عيدكم :)


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