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If you could instantly master any skill, what would it be and why?

FiaSaif’s Profile PhotoM.
Well, as someone who has an IT educational background and knowing where the market is moving, python is one skill that needs to be mastered. The reason that is, Python is the future of AI since Python is heavily used to develop AI programs in general.
Not only that, Python is one of the most strongest programming languages available.

What type of student were you/are you at your school/university? (Studius, backbencher, average, naughty etc) 🎒

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
I was a pretty average student in school! Excelled in languages, History etc., not so much in maths and physics. I was never a lonely kid but I sometimes could be a little eccentric which lead to me being bullied quite a bit in my younger years. I was into Dinosaurs much later in life than most other kids, sometimes didn't think before I spoke and sometimes what I did say was completely misunderstood. I often stood out quite a bit since I grew very quickly when I was younger, making me often a head taller than the rest.
While many of my peers were out by the lakes drinking and partying, I spent my evenings by the pool training for competitions. At my peak I went and trained around 10 times a week. During P.E class when we went swimming, the teacher made me coach and had me teach the others on how to swim freestyle and backstroke 🏊

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What type of student were youare you at your schooluniversity Studius

What music do you enjoy listening to? ✨️

hellojonesymo’s Profile PhotoJo
✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
✦ ───────────── ✦
My taste in music is very broad - I listen to every language as long as I like the voice and rhythm of the song. If it's interesting/intriguing for me I google the lyrics and translate them into English, this is how I learn other languages too. As far as I know, I listen to pop genre songs the most, but I do like indie and country songs too.

How do you know when someone truly loves you?

A feeling, their actions, they give affirmation, affection, they think of you when you aren't around, effort, they love you in your love languages and not theirs. They know your attachment style to help better love you. Interested in birth chart to understand you more.

How will you live over time do you think you can keep loving two?

I understand
what are you talk about and about who you talk
if i understand right of corse…
i don’t know who you are and why you think so
but when situation
like this happens
or you think that situation like this… maybe it’s not true …
man must show that he the best
and on me not working any
make me jealous or show me or hinting me and etc
i want joy and happiness.
my love story .
my man actions.
want talk … talk with me.
without unnecessary
women or men…
because when man have girlfriend for me it’s like

actions shows everything.
i see what i see
( i don’t want understand any
why or any secret reason)
i look at what happens with me
i could be only one.
and more
i absolutely feel that my man never just never
will not make me feel that i’m
not only only one.
we both must be only one
for each other.
want to say …say want to do
but with me. for me…
only beautiful actions about me.
why i need to explain it!
it’s so obvious.
i absolutely serious…if i said i don’t like or don’t need
it’s absolutely true.
and it’s not important you celebrity
( because both a celebrity)
and million girls or women ready
be yours
i don’t care about
at first you are my man …
(will my man)
for me important
what you do about me.
or will
that how i feel.
and all my secret records
or etc
i just must to show how i feel
how i …no even it’s not about want
i never want something
what will not be mine.
i show … my visions…
you show yours
i not use men… and if men use women to show me something for me it’s like
he show what he show .
no about i understand it’s about me
me anonymous… what about is about me.
another languages i don’t understand… and don’t want understand… because i want to be …make happy
and be most happiest girl.

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https://ask.fm/nebelung1717/answers/174698197998 - What apps would you recommend people download? 😆

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
A więc, zdecydowanie polecam aska. XD
Poza tym instagram, facebook, messenger i takie tam, wiadomo.
Jakieś aplikacje do płacenia i ogarniania swojego konta w banku też są użyteczne, osobiście mam IKO z racji konta w PKO BP i polecam.
Dla kobiet (lub ich partnerów) polecam aplikacje Flo bądź Mój Kalendarzyk, żeby ogarniać, co i jak z okresem.
Do nauki języków niby mogę polecić Duolingo, chociaż chyba lepszym wyborem będzie Buusu mimo wszystko, tam przynajmniej tłumaczą, czemu tak, a nie inaczej, i można napisać do rodowitych mówców tego języka.
Do ogarniania obowiązków zdecydowanie Habitica, bardzo sympatyczna aplikacja, a do śledzenia swoich humorków Daylio.
A co do gierek, to wiadomo, każdy ma swój gust, ale ja polecam Sudoku, Nonogram, Subway Surfers (chociaż ostatnio wprowadzają dużo nowości i apka się trochę zacina), Horrorfield, Hogwarts Mystery, Duskwood i Match Factory.
So, I highly recommend ask. 😆
Apart from this, instagram, facebook, messenger and stuff like that, you know.
Some applications for paying and managing your bank account are also useful, I personally have IKO due to my PKO BP account and I recommend it.
For women (or their partners), I recommend the Flo or My Calendar applications to keep track of what's going on with your period.
For learning languages, I can recommend Duolingo, although Buusu will probably be a better choice after all, at least there they explain why this way and not otherwise, and you can write to native speakers.
Habitica, a very nice application, is definitely for taking care of your duties, and Daylio is for keeping track of your moods.
As for games, everyone has their own taste, but I recommend Sudoku, Nonogram, Subway Surfers (although recently they have introduced a lot of new things and the app lags a bit), Horrorfield, Hogwarts Mystery,

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Do you ever start to pick up pieces of other languages by being on Ask?

kandyperkele’s Profile PhotoRaakel
No. So be honest I don't even attempt to try to translate either I don't understand it if it's not an English I can't read it and I know a couple of Spanish words but that's it I don't really know other languages and I haven't picked up on them and honestly I'm going to be real I don't plan on it I'd rather stick with my own language.

❗️ If you're in a long-term relationship, what are some tips you could give to others for life-long happiness?

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
Some tips I can give for others:
1: Make time for each other. Spending time together is very important. Seek out hobbies you both like!
2: Know each other and act on it! For example: you know your partner likes a certain object/movie/etc: take them to it or give it to them.
3: Know each other’s love language. Everyone has their own way to express and feel love(d). Learn what your love languages are and act on it! The best is when you have the same love language, but this is not always possible. That’s why it’s important to know what it is and to act on it.
4: Be honest with each other and yourself. It’s useless to keep things away from each other if it affects the relationship.

На каких языках говорите? Путаете ли иногда слова из разных languages?

grey_cross’s Profile Photogrey.cross
Свободно - на русском, английском немецком и сербском. Да, по какой-то причине слова языков, кроме английского, смешиваются в голове.

На каких языках говорите? Путаете ли иногда слова из разных languages?

grey_cross’s Profile Photogrey.cross
Русский - основной, конечно же. Но и бывают забавные ситуации, когда могу смешивать ещё английский и китайский между собой. После того, как изучала китайский, английский чудным образом подтянулся. Могу забыться и прочитать английские слова, как пхиньинь [путунхуа] в китайском.

Mathematics or Biology?

I swear born American Citizens are the most idixtic seems like the Europeans who immigrate there today are smarter and more educated because they're European elegance even Canadians are better educated but some of us have a language barrier due to us having two official languages

How many languages do you speak?

alishapawar5’s Profile PhotoAlisha
I speak two languages fluently: Swedish, which is my mother tongue and English, which I speak in some form or another every day! Ask and having international friends is very much to thank for that! I did study Spanish in school but I don't remember much honestly, haven't had much use for it! I know enough to sorta understand someone if they speak speak slowly but that's about it really 🇸🇪🇬🇧🇪🇸
How many languages do you speak

What are some of your regrets, that aren't too personal/ can be shared here? I personally regret dropping out of college, even though I had a good reason (my mental and physical health were getting severely bad) and I regret not buying my friend a ticket to this concert when she couldn't afford it.

I can relate to you on the college one, as the same thing happened to me. I regret it a lot, but I know it was out of my hands. I couldn't carry on with how poor my mental health was. Something not too personal I regret is not carrying on learning French! I did really well in school and took my GCSE two years early. I could easily hold a basic conversation, and was getting better each day. However, I decided not to carry on with it after I took my exam. Stupid idea. I was a lazy teenager, and regret that decision very much. I could have been completely fluent by now. I know people say it's not too late, but my memory is horrendous these days. I can't pick up languages like I used to when I was younger. I always say I have a memory like a sieve. 😅

Oh I know how it is with a tarnished teen life and music to relate... Now imagine being deaf and begging to hear them as a young adult... I could only feel the beat at times

Apeshitz’s Profile PhotoApeshitz
I’m sorry, I can’t even imagine. Music has always been so important to me. But I probably would have been better off without the sad songs in my younger years. These days it’s mostly instrumental, in other languages or simply indecipherable.

What do you believe or think people need to know about each other before they get married?

Morgen_muffel’s Profile PhotoMorgen_muffel
The way they treat others (kindness, respect etc.), their views on cheating & divorce, their role & how they will incorporate that into your future home, their future parenting style, the way they were raised vs. how they want your children to be raised, past traditions vs. incorporating new traditions in the future, things y’all are willing/not willing to compromise (present/future), their attachment and social styles, their love/h*te languages, their communication style, how they deal with tough/detrimental situations, past traumas and experiences, emotional tr*ggers (what sets them off etc), their favorite and worst memories of childhood, what their personal wants & needs are, their political, religious and personal beliefs, how they handle everyday stressors, their healthy and worst habits, their spending habits etc.
After my huge run-on sentence, my advice is to never be afraid to ask the tough questions. Also, be sure that you are able to answer it with clarity as well.

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You as a French person speaking English, do you find the French language easy or difficult to learn in comparing with English? 😅

LarryStylestomlinson436’s Profile PhotoMe - Larry
As a French person speaking English, I'd say both languages have their own challenges when it comes to learning them.
French can be tricky for English speakers because of its complex grammar rules, verb conjugations, and pronunciation.
English, on the other hand, has its own quirks like irregular spellings and multiple ways to pronounce the same letters.
Overall, I'd say it depends on the individual and their native language background.
Some might find French easier to pick up due to similarities with other Romance languages, while others might find English simpler because of its widespread usage and abundance of resources for learners.
You as a French person speaking English do you find the French language easy or

Would you rather speak 10 more languages or talk to animals 🐶 🐱

Confessedloser’s Profile PhotoTJ
This is really simple for me, as I'd actually really dislike being able to talk to animals. I figure they'd just beg me to stop humans being so cruel to them. The way we treat animals is disgusting; it would break my heart having to listen to their pain and not be able to stop it. It would be cool to talk to my dog to be fair, but I doubt she would listen anyway. 😅
I'd love to speak 10 languages! That would be amazing, and it'd open up so many opportunities. I'd be able to get a really good job, travel and visit countries without there being a language barrier. I think it's amazing that there are people out there who speak several languages. I just don't have the memory or brains for it, unfortunately!

Would you rather speak 10 more languages or talk to animals 🐶 🐱

Confessedloser’s Profile PhotoTJ
I mean I know the first option would be farr more beneficial and would be a colossal asset in life, but talking to animals would be an absolute win! Mind you, I’d probably still just chat to dogs, and you can more or less tell what they wish to communicate anyways! 😆

have u ever used duolingo to learn a new language ?

I tried it for a bit, for a few weeks, when I had a gf who spoke German, but I'm rubbish at languages and it didn't last long.
Liked by: 7HUNNA

Some people get very upset when they get questions in an unknown language. Why do you think ASK do this? (one of the reasons I've stayed on the website [and declined the 'app'] is everything auto translates, though often gets it wrong) One can always delete, it's easier than whining! Do you, whine?

igotamatch’s Profile Photoigotamatch
I delete shout outs in other languages because I don't understand them, I don't tell people to say it in English because this app has people from all over the world, I just move on if I cant understand, is not big deal

Some people get very upset when they get questions in an unknown language. Why do you think ASK do this? (one of the reasons I've stayed on the website [and declined the 'app'] is everything auto translates, though often gets it wrong) One can always delete, it's easier than whining! Do you, whine?

igotamatch’s Profile Photoigotamatch
No, people speak different languages, the app doesn’t auto translate so if you don’t understand the language people can always ignore the question which is what I do

Noch eine Pair-Frage, entschuldige meine Neugier. 🙈 Wie fühlt es sich an, von den Jungs geliebt zu werden? Wie lieben sie, mal unabhängig von den 'Love Languages' gesprochen??

Selwyn Friends, verzeiht mir bitte, dass es die Woche bisher etwas ruig um mich geworden ist, ich hatte gar keine Zeit, hier Fragen zu beantworten und war schon froh, wenn ich unter der Woche abends mal eine Mail beantworten konnte. Ich werde aber versuchen, jetzt am Wochenende noch alle ausstehenden Mails zu beantworten und auch hier immer wieder Fragen zu beantworten. :)
Nun zu der Frage, über die ich mich sehr gefreut habe, danke!!! :)
Valerian ist der Typ Mensch, bei dem merkt man es zuerst gar nicht so richtig, eher durch kleine Aufmerksamkeiten oder Worte, aber irgendwann veränder sich sein Verhalten dann komplett und dann ist er sehr aufmerksam und liebevoll, schenkt viel Aufmerksamkeit, will aber auch viel zurück bekommen. Er kann etwas erdrückend oder anhänglich werden und es ist ihm auch unglaublich wichtig, viel zu reden.
Aberdeen ist sehr leidenschaftlich, ein bisschen feurig und stürmisch, aber ihm ist es auch wichtig, dass man eine gute und nicht stressige Zeit zusammen hat. Er würde sich jetzt nicht ständig melden, vielleicht auch mal auf die andere Person vergessen, dafür dann einfach mal unangekündigt vor der Tür stehen. Aberdeen gibt einem vielleicht nicht extrem viel Sicherheit, verlangt aber auch wenig, es wird aber immer wieder Momente geben, mit denen man vielleicht gar nicht gerechnet hat, wo er einem dann aber seine Liebe zeigt mit Gesten oder Worten.
Alaric ist ein Flirt und das bleibt er auch, wenn er jemanden liebt. Komplimente, kleine Sticheleien, Zweideutigkeit und er schafft es immer, dass man sich gehört und wie etwas besonderes fühlt. Er ist auch sehr körperlich, vielleicht auch mal etwas besitzergreifend, aber es ist ihm wirklich wichtig, dass die andere Person sich geliebt und wichtig vorkommt. Problem ist aber, dass er ja eigentlich mit seiner Karriere verheiratet ist und manchmal gibt es mehr Worte als Taten.
Wenn man von Braden geliebt wird, kann man sich auf sehr, sehr, sehr viel Reden einstellen, viele Gefühle und dass es stundenlang besprochen wird, wie es einem geht. Er meldet sich häufig und ist immer für einen da. Ihm ist es aber auch wichtig, ein eigenes Leben zu haben, ich will mit der anderen Person nicht verschmelzen und fühlt sich auch schnell mal etwas eingeengt (obwohl er der ist, der sich sehr häufig meldet).

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RAMBLE ON about something random then

henry winter being from missouri is so funny to me. like henry? henry who carries an umbrella all the time? henry who speaks about 8 languages? henry who wears expensive tailored suits? henry who writes his diary in latin? henry who didn’t appear for SATs because doing so would clash with his vibe? henry who is literally bunny’s sugar daddy? that henry is from missouri?
this is the kind of dedication i want regarding a theme.

The girl in the photos belongs to you? So this profile belongs to a girl, did I understand correctly? But are you American or Mexican? I notice that you write in two languages… 🙂

Brutalzone’s Profile PhotoSALVATORE BALESTRA
The photos are from a Youtuber model named Ayme Roman, Jajajajaja. I am a Mexican man and I live in the USA. In case you didn't know, everyone born on this continent is American and I am a North American MOFO to be more specific.

How many languages do you know? 🤔

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I speak multiple languages fluently, including Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Kazakh, American English, British English, Lithuanian, Polish, Finnish, German (my native language), French, Swedish. Currently, I'm slowly learning Arabic and can also understand Korean and Hebrew when spoken. How many languages do you know? :)

What is your love language?

اكتشفت موخرًا ان one of my love languages اني لما بحب حد بعمله استثناء في كل حاجه، اللي هو مش عاوزه اتكلم مع حد بس بحب اتكلم معاه حتي وأنا في اسوء حالاتي وحتي لو طاقتي خلصانه يبقي عندي طاقه بس ليه، ببقي عاوزه اشاركه كل حاجه وادخله في كل تفاصيل حياتي ومش بيبقي عندي زي باقي الناس ابدًا.

S.. P.. A.. C.. E.. 🧡🍂

zizo_anwer’s Profile Photoعـمـو زيـاد
اكتشفت مؤخراً ان one of my love languages إني لما بحب حد بعمله استثناءات ف كل حاجه ، اللي هو ببقى مش عاوزه اتكلم مع حد بس بحب اتكلم معاه حتى وانا ف اسوأ حالاتي وحتى لو طاقتي خلصانه بيبقى عندي طاقه ليه ، ببقى عاوزه اشاركه كل حاجه واحشره ف كل تفاصيل حياتي ، ومبيبقاش عندي زي باقي الناس ابداً .

What’s something that you’ve recently become interested in/developed a passion for? Can be anything! (For example, I’ve become very interested in learning mythology lately, even bought some books about it). 🤔🤩

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
Recently is a far stretch but I have taken up Chinese Classes about two years ago and my Interest in culture and language has not died down yet. I do have this silly little childhood dream of being able to speak the Top 5 most spoken World Languages fluently, before I turn 30. My next birthday is next Month btw, so then I will have 4 years to get chinese and Hindi down. Doing alright in chinese actually, just my handwriting is a nightmare according to my teacher, but that is the case in every language so whatever.
And when I ace one day (Maybe, Hindi is hard is what I heard)...as there are around 7000 languages right now, i have a variety to pick from what I want to learn next.
ÄMy maternal Grandmother used to be able to communicate in 10 languages 100% fluently. Then she got severe Dementia and now does not remember her own Name, so thats sad.
Maybe my little dream is a way in trying to honor her memory and the Person to whom I have looked up so much when I was little.
And now I am sad. Great.

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How did you learn the English language..did you take classes What another languages are on bucket list next ?

missygls’s Profile Photoᴳᴸメ
Well fortunately I got my education in an English medium school so all parts of my education had English as a mandatory language.... But the other languages I know are either out of cultural and travel experience or learned due to professional requirements.... The next one on my list after I master Persian is Arabic .... How about you?
How did you learn the English languagedid you take classes What another

Is there many problems in the Israeli educational system that makes a peace and coexistence harder to achieve?

You are the same guy who has been committing the lamest grammar mistakes in one of the easiest languages of Europe 🤣🤣
Back to Israel: "Some 50% of Israeli children from the country’s fastest-growing sectors are getting a third-world education that will not be able to support a first-world economy, without which there will be no first-world health, welfare and defense systems, according to a new report published by the Shoresh Institution for Socioeconomic Research."
Just imagine that: about 50% of Egypt's children being subjected to a Medieval style of religious schooling. How would that influence everything?

What is your love language?

I have all five love languages alhamdulilah
1. Quality time: I love spending quality time with him. I like when we go out on long drives, have hangouts and sit together under the wintery night sky just to count stars.
2. Physical touch: I love holding his hand, hugging him tightly, putting my head on his shoulder and just feeling the beauty of that moment etc.
3. Words of affirmation: I being myself a writer,really love appraisal words, confessions and compliments. I do blush whenever he compliments me alhamdulilah.
4. Receiving gifts: I admire getting gifts and giving gifts to those whom I really love. I keep those gifts (which he gives me) saved with me and make use of them mostly to feel their presence on those gifts. E.g the purse which he gave.
5. Acts of services: I can cook for him, serve him food, comb/massage his hair, massage his legs/feet if he is tired,hold his shoes to carry from one place to another and can drive at midnight just to reach him if his car stopped at the middle of the road on a wintery night.

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Language: English