
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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LOL I want to see him go real old school, & do the Mean Mark heart punch.

LOL me too. It makes them cringe on the canvas. He wore a black biker looking glove on his right hand. That's the hand he hit you with in the chest. #MeanMarkHeartPunch! XD
Liked by: † Twix †

That is true. A true Taker fan won't hurt him. I'm happy he gets to stay at home with his family as well. :)

Yeah he didn't get to spend alot of time with his older kids, like he's doing with his youngest. He deserves to spend time with her. He can't make up for the time he lost with the older ones. But he can still kick it & spend some time with them as well. He chosen to entertain us & stay away from his family for months at a time. Which everyone knows family comes first. He has entertained the people before WCW. Since 92 he's entertained me, & for that I'm more then grateful. I'm glad he's enjoying life, Cause life is to short. Especially to short to try to please & entertain a bunch of ungrateful trolls.
Liked by: † Twix †

I got nothing but love & respect for Undertaker too.

Yeah & people that claims they have respect for him always goes against him. Like wanting him to make a twitter account, & keep begging him to come back to WWE. Let him spend time with his family. He deserves it. Besides I feel more happy that he's at home, & not getting tossed around or hit with chairs in the ring. He's not 26 anymore, & these people need to realize that. Someone who respects someone don't hurt them or break them down like that.
Liked by: † Twix †

I love Undertaker. I'm married to him.

OMG. Unless you're Michelle McCool you ain't married to him. Even if he was single. Taker don't want any desperate females. No man don't.
Liked by: † Twix †

Undertaker got so much respect in & out the locker-rooms.

Yup he's a legend.Mostly Everyone looks up to him. He's like a father figure. Even to the folks that are older then him.
Liked by: † Twix †

LOL yeah I feel ya. Should none of us fans call Taker by his real name, because we don't know him personally.

Yes true, & even if your not a fan you shouldn't call him by his real name. Undertaker deserves nothing but respect from everyone. Even people that are older then him.
Liked by: † Twix †


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