
No one from nowhere

Ask @dodoBluz

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They say that the quirks that the wrong people hate about you, are often the things that the right people will love about you. Have you found this to be true?

DovahMonah’s Profile PhotoDovahMonah
No, not in my case. The people who like me for being truthful hate me when it applies to them.

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They say that practicing gratitude can help lift your mood so, what are you grateful for today? Can be big or small 😁

DovahMonah’s Profile PhotoDovahMonah
I'm grateful that my mother is away travelling so I can have some me time.

Have you ever accidentally said something out loud that you meant to just think?

DovahMonah’s Profile PhotoDovahMonah
Yes. It means that your mind and your body is acting as one.
This happens way too often for me. I've hurt people feelings.
It's a bit embarrassing but twice while watching movies in the theaters I got so caught up in the action that I blurted No! at the screen.

What is your favourite "that definitely happened" story that someone has told you? (a story that is almost 100% guaranteed to be untrue or grossly misrepresented)

DovahMonah’s Profile PhotoDovahMonah
I don't have such stories, unfortunately.

The closest to this type of situation was when I crawled through a long sewer pipe that was meant to be installed. One of the neighbours bragged that he "saved" me. I was almost out when he pulled me out of there, causing my knee to get scratches.

Is there a hobby or interest that you've always wanted to get into but haven't? Or one that you used to do but don't now?

DovahMonah’s Profile PhotoDovahMonah
I've always wanted to dance, I admire those who do, but a choreographer gave up on me once and I have stopped drinking alcohol therefore I won't lack enough sound judgement so it's not gonna happen.

Favorite weird food combination?

I don't like to think about how different foods mix in my stomach. So, no, I don't have a favourite food combination. Honestly, I hate that it's a thing.
Favorite weird food combination

Have you ever been a fake friend? Like were you ever friends with someone you didn't like? Or you had a good friendship that turned sour that you stayed in longer than you should've?

I had to be a fake friend when I worked in retail but it was survival.
One of the bosses wanted to fire just because I pronounced her name wrong. It started with Scrz. So it's not my fault. Our relationship was downhill from there. After the opening of the mall there were too many employees. They were just waiting for someone to make a little mistake to fire people. So I was super friendly to a lot of people in different departments including security. Always helpful, always available, always resourceful. I made myself essential to how things work properly. Eventually, me overdoing things made others look bad and it kinda backfired.
On a more personal level a very close friend lied to me about the thing we bonded on. And put me in a position that I had to keep secrets from her companion whom I was also friends with. We still see each other but it's not the same. So I feel like I'm being fake to her.

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What do you think will be the next step in human evolution /advancement?

DovahMonah’s Profile PhotoDovahMonah
An implanted chip for identification that can be used for money transactions, medical records, benefits, etc.
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Are you religious or spiritual, and if so what does that mean to you? How does it affect your life?

DovahMonah’s Profile PhotoDovahMonah
I used to be one of those hardcore Catholics with whom no one can peacefully talk with. I grew up in a neighbourhood in which everybody identified as the religion they were brought up in. My religion was my whole identity. I defended and fought for it with everything. Because I believed I had to.
Then the news of how the Church covered for pedophile priests by sending them at other locations where they would continue what they were doing was out. This brought back an early childhood memory of an attempt on me by a priest who followed little boys to the toilet "to help them pee". Others were not so lucky. Like many Catholics then I turned away from the Church.
The emptiness I felt lead me to an interest in other religions. I became generally spiritual trying to take the good parts from all of them. But the endoctrinement was still strong in me. I wanted to be free from the manipulation, the promise of rewards that conveniently happen after death. Still wanting to be good and hopeful for the sake of humanity because I naively thought that people who don't believe in anything can only be evil I considered Secular Humanism.
It's a constant struggle between "that's not what God intended" and "F*ck it! Live and let live!"

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If we are the sum of our actions as Aristotle believed, when all of your actions are totalled up do you think you come out in the end as a good person?

DovahMonah’s Profile PhotoDovahMonah
Probably if I stop counting now it would be.

What's your favourite time where something didn't go as planned but it turned out to be for the best?

DovahMonah’s Profile PhotoDovahMonah
When I was 17 I had very high fever. A young woman I didn't know made me a crown of bitter gourd leaves and told me to put some leaves under my armpit. I felt so stupid but it worked. The fever was gone overnight! She became my first girlfriend for the best part of a year and a casual lover for years afterwards.
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What's your take on this whole will Smith v Chris Rock debacle?

DovahMonah’s Profile PhotoDovahMonah
Concerning Will Smith; as someone who is in the business for three decades he should know better than to get physical in public.
As I understood, Chris Rock made a joke about Jada Pinkett-Smith's shaved head, comparing it to the G. I. Jane movie in which Demi Moore shaved her own head on-screen. Well, Jada is known to express herself freely. She didn't need her husband to act on her behalf. Whatever reaction she'd have, she would have owned it.
Over the years, worst "jokes" have been made. Some hinting Harvey Weinstein sexual misconducts long before there was a legal case, Woody Allen's relationship with his adopted daughter, Mel Gibson's Anti-Semitic remarks, etc. None of them had any consequences to my knowledge.
The stage used to be a safe space for free speech. Chris Rock comes from this Golden era of Stand-up comedy in which anything goes with no consequences.
Times are changing. Comedians who told the same jokes on stage all over the US for years have been met with outrage when their shows were recorded and broadcasted on streaming platforms recently.
People don't accept controversy and provocation for the sake of comedy anymore.

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The world is super grim right now, so to balance that out a bit, does anyone have any good news? Anything positive you'd like to share?

DovahMonah’s Profile PhotoDovahMonah
Lionel Richie is still alive.

What's your secret to make eggs even better? Like how do you cook your eggs? Do you add anything spectacular?

I used to make a special "caramel omelette".
(Whip the eggs like a regular omelette)
First, use butter in the pan instead of oil.
Second, add sugar instead of salt.
Be careful not to over-cook because the sugar causes the eggs to burn faster.
Whats your secret to make eggs even better Like how do you cook your eggs Do you

If you were handed a box of all the things you lost in your lifetime, what would be the first thing you would look for?

I had a key ring that was stolen from me. It was issued by the company that administered the waterfront where I used to hang out. One of my friends gave it to me because they were not made anymore.


Language: English