
441 people

50 posts


интересно, кто наставил дьяволу такие рога?

virtualbaby_’s Profile Photoчудо.
До архангела, чи хто він там був, впавшого з неба за бунтівництво, повинно бути ставлення негативне. А не як до, скажімо Локі, у скандинавській міфології. Поблажливе, як до твістера, засранця такого собі. Тож, середньовічні майстри пензля і фарб, а також друкарських станків, зробили його схожим на худобу рогату, часто козла. Бо при всій користі від худобини для людей, привабливого у ній мало.
The attitude towards the archangel, or whoever he was there, who fell from heaven for rebellion, should be negative. And not like Loki, say, in Scandinavian mythology. Condescending, like a twister, such an asshole. So, medieval masters of brushes and paints, as well as printing presses, made it look like a horned cattle, often a goat. Because with all the benefits of livestock for people, there is little attractive in it.

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What’s something interesting you’ve learned of/about recently? 💁

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
A friend recently introduced me to the mythology of the Alkonost. Like a siren, they sing and it’s almost hypnotic to men, but a Siren is full of sorrow whereas an Alkonost is full of joy and laughter. She does not sing to entice men, but they are drawn to her song and lose themselves in it. She’s part eagle, part woman.
Whats something interesting youve learned ofabout recently

If you make art of any kind: Who/what do you draw inspiration from for the things you create? Was there something/someone specific that inspired you to get into the kinds of art you do now? ✍🏻🎨🖼️

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
Inspiration for me comes from everywhere really, but particularly from nature - it’s incredibly grounding and helps me feel in a more creative state, as well as topics such as architecture, history, literature, mythology and folklore, etc. Anything involving fantasy or storytelling is immensely inspiring, and is definitely the main backbone of my art!
In terms of people, I think I’ve always been interested in art, even as a very young child. My mum has always encouraged me and took me to museums and galleries as a child, so that definitely helped in terms of exposure to all kinds of art and history! ✨

What in the world is a Tiamat?

In ancient Mesopotamian mythology, "Tiamat" was regarded as the primordial goddess who was the personification of the Salt Sea (called Dead Sea today) and the mother of the gods. She was also associated with the chaos of creation and portrayed as a dragon or a serpent. There is a Swedish band by the same name but they probably aren't related... 😉
What in the world is a Tiamat

What’s something that you’ve recently become interested in/developed a passion for? Can be anything! (For example, I’ve become very interested in learning mythology lately, even bought some books about it). 🤔🤩

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I’ve been very passionate to spend more time on Wicca lately. I’ve been preparing myself more for the Sabbats and I use my oracle cards almost daily. 😊
Whats something that youve recently become interested indeveloped a passion for

What’s something that you’ve recently become interested in/developed a passion for? Can be anything! (For example, I’ve become very interested in learning mythology lately, even bought some books about it). 🤔🤩

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
Since I spend so much of my time studying and with my many passions such as moviemaking, swimming, D&D etc., it's very rare that I develop new passions nowadays! There's just no time for more 😅 Sometimes I get caught up learning something specific within one of those passions! The most recent thing I can think of is that I've started playing more Sea of Thieves again! So I've been watching PVP tutorials and such to try and get better 🏴‍☠️
Whats something that youve recently become interested indeveloped a passion for

What’s something that you’ve recently become interested in/developed a passion for? Can be anything! (For example, I’ve become very interested in learning mythology lately, even bought some books about it). 🤔🤩

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
That's very interesting. 🙂
I've recently got back into and rediscovered my passion for gaming. I still haven't touched my PlayStation in over a year, but I'm now playing on my Switch daily and whenever I can. It's great as it keeps me busy. Less time to be alone with my thoughts haha.

What’s something that you’ve recently become interested in/developed a passion for? Can be anything! (For example, I’ve become very interested in learning mythology lately, even bought some books about it). 🤔🤩

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
Recently is a far stretch but I have taken up Chinese Classes about two years ago and my Interest in culture and language has not died down yet. I do have this silly little childhood dream of being able to speak the Top 5 most spoken World Languages fluently, before I turn 30. My next birthday is next Month btw, so then I will have 4 years to get chinese and Hindi down. Doing alright in chinese actually, just my handwriting is a nightmare according to my teacher, but that is the case in every language so whatever.
And when I ace one day (Maybe, Hindi is hard is what I heard)...as there are around 7000 languages right now, i have a variety to pick from what I want to learn next.
ÄMy maternal Grandmother used to be able to communicate in 10 languages 100% fluently. Then she got severe Dementia and now does not remember her own Name, so thats sad.
Maybe my little dream is a way in trying to honor her memory and the Person to whom I have looked up so much when I was little.
And now I am sad. Great.

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What’s something that you’ve recently become interested in/developed a passion for? Can be anything! (For example, I’ve become very interested in learning mythology lately, even bought some books about it). 🤔🤩

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I've gotten into puzzles again. I want to buy a new puzzle but I also have to complete the paint by numbers one. I want to buy something very hard that will keep me busy for a month and not just one week! I usually go for the most pieces. I think 2k was the most we had, but now there are way bigger puzzles than that! They also cost 10x more. Hehe.
Whats something that youve recently become interested indeveloped a passion for

What’s something that you’ve recently become interested in/developed a passion for? Can be anything! (For example, I’ve become very interested in learning mythology lately, even bought some books about it). 🤔🤩

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
Ahh that’s so cool! As a fellow mythology lover, what books did you buy/mythologies are you interested in? :)
In terms of recent interests, it’s hard to say as they’ve always been fairly constant, but it’s probably been trying to branch out into different kinds of music, instead of listening to the same bands I always do!

What’s something that you’ve recently become interested in/developed a passion for? Can be anything! (For example, I’ve become very interested in learning mythology lately, even bought some books about it). 🤔🤩

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I haven't really become interested in anything recently, but I don't blame you for getting into mythology - it's fascinating!

If you make art of any kind: What would you say your creative/art style is? Do you have a favorite medium you regularly use? Feel free to show something you made! ✍🏻🎨🖼️

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I’m not sure how to describe my own artistic style! In terms of influences though, I’m drawn to stories - whether they be inspired by literature, folklore, history or mythology. Anything that can transport you to a different time or place, really.
Painting is my main medium of choice, primarily acrylics. I enjoy embroidery though and making it part of my paintings, to create mixed media work :) here’s an example of that, at least! ✨
If you make art of any kind What would you say your creativeart style is Do you

In Greek mythology, after Zeus took fire away from humans, Boometheus stole it from him and gave it back. Zeus wanted to punish humans for that, so he had beautiful Boomdora (of Boomdora's Box fame) sent to Earth, inflicting misery upon them. Do you think Boometheus should've just left us w/o fire?

We kinda always needed fire though ; how would you heat up water, cook, sterilize wounds, make metalwork, or burn diseased bodies?

✑⠀#weヽareヽupヽtoヽnoヽgood : ⸐ Qᵘᵉˢᵗⁱᵒⁿ którą postacią z mitologii greckiej byłby Twój bohater?

szeptyhogwartu’s Profile Photo⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀〉 Szepty ʜᴏɢᴡᴀʀᴛᴜ ˎˊ-
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ Λ⠀⠀e⠀⠀s⠀⠀c⠀⠀u⠀⠀l⠀⠀a⠀⠀p⠀⠀i⠀⠀u⠀⠀s
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⸻⸻⸻
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ is a hero and god of medicine in ancient
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ Greek ⠀⠀⠀religion ⠀⠀and ⠀⠀mythology.
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⸻⸻⸻
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⎰ ⠀sur geon ⠀⎱
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ noun | \ser' - jen \
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ A medical specialist qualifiled to practice
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ surgery; a b̷a̷d̷a̷s̷s̷
weヽareヽupヽtoヽnoヽgood   Qᵘᵉˢᵗⁱᵒⁿ którą postacią z mitologii greckiej byłby Twój

✑⠀#weヽareヽupヽtoヽnoヽgood : ⸐ Qᵘᵉˢᵗⁱᵒⁿ którą postacią z mitologii greckiej byłby Twój bohater?

szeptyhogwartu’s Profile Photo⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀〉 Szepty ʜᴏɢᴡᴀʀᴛᴜ ˎˊ-
⠀⠀℘rometheus 🔥⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻
⠀⠀/prəˈmiː.θi.əs /prəˈmiː.θi.əs/
⠀⠀in ⠀⠀⠀⠀Greek ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀mythology, ⠀a ⠀⠀demigod
⠀⠀who ⠀⠀⠀⠀stole ⠀⠀f̷i̷r̷e̷ ⠀⠀from ⠀⠀Mount ⠀⠀⠀⠀Olympus
⠀⠀(⠀⠀ and⠀⠀ because⠀⠀ he⠀⠀ is ⠀⠀a ⠀⠀tragic⠀⠀ one⠀⠀)
weヽareヽupヽtoヽnoヽgood   Qᵘᵉˢᵗⁱᵒⁿ którą postacią z mitologii greckiej byłby Twój

tell us about thing that u love ❤

i love books, novels, and stories.and love anime, reading, we love watching movies, and I don’t care what country they are from. The important thing is that the movie is beautiful. I love rain, winter, sunsets, friends, cats, good people. I love manhwa and manga. I love history and mythology, I love archaeology, art, I love the violin, I love calm sounds. ♥

What happens when an unstoppable force hits an immovable object?

jskinn3825’s Profile Photojskinn3825
Stasis. Equilibrium. A stalemate. The Isa Rune (ice, cold, stillness, etc.). In Greek mythology, the theme can be found in the story of the Teumessian fox which can never be caught and the Laelaps hound that always catches its prey. In his infinite wisdom, Zeus recognized the paradox and transformed both creatures into static constellations. He must've been an animal lover too. 🦊⚡🐶
What happens when an unstoppable force hits an immovable object

What interesting things have you learned from the ancient Egypt course?

These are the main ones that I can remember off the top of my head :)
~ There are around 175 kings known today, with The Great Pyramid of Giza being attributed to Khufu. The rough time span of these kings are 3400 years, with it being split into three parts; The Old Kingdom, The Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom. (I’d have to check my notes for the exact dates for these).
~ In between the time periods of these kingdoms, existed a Predynastic and Protodynastic period. This is essentially when times were rather volatile and were the intermediate periods before everything stabilised and kicked off again, so to speak.
~ The Egyptians kept records of their history and often amended it/updating rulers of the past. The most well known documents are the Palermo Stone and the Abydos King List. It was later recorded in Greek, when that become the dominant written and spoken language, but this is relatively recent in terms of their own history.
~ One of my favourite facts of their chronology: an Egyptian priest (his name escapes me atm) in the early 300BCs included time periods where there were existing rulers before the Pharaohs, consisting of The Gods, Demigods and the Spirits of the Dead. After their time of ruling, then humans followed (though I guess Pharaohs were seen more as a stepping stone between a regular mortal and a demigod, in a way).
I could keep going, but I’d have to reread my notebook for the more in-depth facts on their chronology within each of the Kingdoms, the rulers, etc.
Tbf, my favourite part was going over their mythology which I knew some of, and how that related back into and influenced society at that time! (Through their art, talisman and amulets, beliefs, burial practices, etc) :)

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What interesting things have you learned from the ancient Egypt course

Which song speaks to you the most? Why, if you'd like to share?

Since I listen to so many artists, I am struggling to answer this question. I draw a great deal of inspiration from Norse mythology and the allegories associated with the Nordic pantheon. There are entire genres devoted to the poetic wisdom therein. Viking Metal, Pagan Black Metal, numerous Folk Metal projects, etc. I could offer several examples - this one speaks to me on numerous levels:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__bJuNfuGrstalionislexx’s Video 170820275251 __bJuNfuGrstalionislexx’s Video 170820275251 __bJuNfuGrs

If someone called you Loki, would you consider that reference to be (1) a compliment, (2) an insult or (3) a form of hate speech?

There are numerous interpretations. This allegory from Norse mythology could mean "joker" or "trickster" but others suggest that "liar," "deceiver" or "shapeshifter" would be more appropriate. When it comes to these allegories, one's personal interpretation is usually a reflection of one's true character. Isn't that something?!
Loki and Sigyn (1810) / Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg
If someone called you Loki would you consider that reference to be 1 a

May nakalaan ba talaga para sa akin?

Whenever loneliness hit me, I just think about that tale in Greek mythology about soulmates. So kung sino man yung putragis na para sa akin, siguro naman meron
May nakalaan ba talaga para sa akin
Liked by: asdfghjk

I somehow agree that history is LIKE chismis There are different versions of those involved. Yep may data na naka back up but how sure are we that all of those things were not manipulated? Sa Greek mythology (na myth nga lang ba?) mali mali na how much more to other histories na di natin naabutan

penpsyche’s Profile PhotoYin Yang Yong
History is Inaccurate is the word you're looking for and not "Like Chismis."
History has been studied and pieced together by historians from first-hand accounts, writings, artifacts and by word of mouth from people who've experienced such history. The reality is; It is inaccurate and is prone to biases/prespective of the writer and infact you can find biases everywhere! even you are biased! And it isn't a neccessarily a bad thing and that is why we cross-reference from multiple sources.
The bad thing is denying, covering, Rewriting/Spreading false information because of the bias which is currently happening enmasse in our Country.
Likening Chismis to History is equal to discrediting the years of work/studies of our historians and from people who've experienced it first hand.

I somehow agree that history is LIKE chismis There are different versions of those involved. Yep may data na naka back up but how sure are we that all of those things were not manipulated? Sa Greek mythology (na myth nga lang ba?) mali mali na how much more to other histories na di natin naabutan

penpsyche’s Profile PhotoYin Yang Yong
Hmmm... I understand why you're doubting the written history; however, you need to understand na being a historian back then and even now requires so much effort to acquire precise information about the events that had happened. Hindi lang sa tabi tabi nila nakukuha ang information. Oo, may mga kumakalat na na mga chismis noon, pero nag iinvestigate sila by digging deeper and by authenticating those "chismis" kung tawagin man noon. May iba naman na historians ngayon na tumitingin sa original news articles under certain era kung anong panahon man sila nag iimbestiga. It's all in the records (newspapers, books, articles, video tapes, journals, etc.). It's nearly impossible naman na hindi makalap ang other side of the coin when there are records to show, 'di ba? Kaya nga may debate pa rin ngayon about sa Marcos Sr. regime if maunlad ba talaga or madugo dahil sa "chismis" na 'yan. You'll know the answer once you start looking for the authentic ones (data). Also, while I'm answering your shout out, may hate ka nang natatanggap (based on new shout outs dito sa akin), which I think is kind of... wrong. Hindi kita kinakampihan pero hindi rin maganda na gano'n ang mga shout outs sa 'yo. I admire your bravery kasi hindi naka activate ang anon dito sa shout out mo, ang tapang ah. Hahaha. Pero, ayon nga, try to think about what we've said (iyong iba na nag disagree din dito sa opinion mo). Opinions are meant to be discussed naman. Hehehe.

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Liked by: wintermoon

I somehow agree that history is LIKE chismis There are different versions of those involved. Yep may data na naka back up but how sure are we that all of those things were not manipulated? Sa Greek mythology (na myth nga lang ba?) mali mali na how much more to other histories na di natin naabutan

penpsyche’s Profile PhotoYin Yang Yong
So, who are you siding up with? Historians or Ella Cruz? Hindi porket hindi mo naabutan, magda-doubt ka na. There are tons of records supported by data that have proven the important events that happened in our country. I don't like that kind of thinking. It seems to me that all those sacrifices our Filipino heroes have made for our country's independence turned out for nothing because of disinformation online. May internet access ka naman yata. Try to dig deeper online. Avoid watching those vloggers na feeling journalists. Haha.

I really liked the Molvodan Eurovision song and I'm thinking of naming my future child Trenulețul. Do you think he might have any problems if he travels to Moldova or Romania?

Yes. The poor kid will be mocked mercilessly. Please consider another name, perhaps something out of Norse mythology. ;-)
Thor's Fight With The Giants (1872) / Mårten Eskil Winge
I really liked the Molvodan Eurovision song and Im thinking of naming my future

What is your nerdiest guilty pleasure? If none at least reply with a meme pls 🤣

DionysusArius’s Profile PhotoMetanoia
I absolutely love reading up on mythology and folklore, or listening to relevant podcasts about it. I was chatting with my boss and her partner the other day, and it turns out that all of us are equally interested in such topics! It was nerd heaven 😂
But yeah, reading is pretty up there, so tweets like this make me feel seen 🤣
What is your nerdiest guilty pleasure If none at least reply with a meme pls

If you became a god / goddess of a specific thing, like those from Greek and Norse mythology, what'd you be a god of? What'd you use your godly powers for? ⚡️🌊🔥💕🌱

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Honestly I would be the goddess of empathy. I think if I could give that to people the world would be a different place

If you became a god / goddess of a specific thing, like those from Greek and Norse mythology, what'd you be a god of? What'd you use your godly powers for? ⚡️🌊🔥💕🌱

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Goddess of All Felines. I would summon strays to the homes of lonely or elderly people, to bring joy and companionship
Liked by: Tobbe casual fan Neo

If you became a god / goddess of a specific thing, like those from Greek and Norse mythology, what'd you be a god of? What'd you use your godly powers for? ⚡️🌊🔥💕🌱

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
If I became a goddess, I’d become a goddess of the moon! 🌙
The moon has a calming effect over me, I’d love to have such an influence on people, so I think that will be my power!
I don’t really know what other powers and what to use them for.
If you became a god  goddess of a specific thing like those from Greek and Norse

If you became a god / goddess of a specific thing, like those from Greek and Norse mythology, what'd you be a god of? What'd you use your godly powers for? ⚡️🌊🔥💕🌱

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’d want to be like Gaia, a goddess of earth.
So I could fix all the damage we have done to not only our eath, but also eachother. I would change human nature😊

If you became a god / goddess of a specific thing, like those from Greek and Norse mythology, what'd you be a god of? What'd you use your godly powers for? ⚡️🌊🔥💕🌱

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
✦ ───────────── ✦
I'd like to have Elos (goddess of kindness and forgiveness) or Persephone (goddess of life and death/necromancy) powers. I would use this power to create harmony and peace in the human world. While writing this I feel kinda like Thanos from the Marvel Universe, lol.

If you became a god / goddess of a specific thing, like those from Greek and Norse mythology, what'd you be a god of? What'd you use your godly powers for? ⚡️🌊🔥💕🌱

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I would be like Gaia! Also known as Mother Nature!
So I would control earth elements! So help things grow! Probably be a pain in the butt and deliberately get wild flowers etc to grow in heavily concreted areas...
It bugs me that areas aren't left aside for some nature :(
If you became a god  goddess of a specific thing like those from Greek and Norse

If you became a god / goddess of a specific thing, like those from Greek and Norse mythology, what'd you be a god of? What'd you use your godly powers for? ⚡️🌊🔥💕🌱

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
🦌 🌲 🌳 🐗 I’d be like Cernunnos, a deity of abundance (and possibly forests and animals), and give everyone an abundance of health wealth happiness forests and animals. And I’d reclaim my abundance of energy.
If you became a god  goddess of a specific thing like those from Greek and Norse
Liked by: Metanoia Allison

If you became a god / goddess of a specific thing, like those from Greek and Norse mythology, what'd you be a god of? What'd you use your godly powers for? ⚡️🌊🔥💕🌱

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Goddes of flowers? 🤔😅 Today - the second Sunday of May we have Day of mothers here 👇yellow roses are from son 🥰, purple from daughter 🥰. I love flowers 💐🌸🏵️🌹🥀🌺🌻🌼, even on my dresses and shirts 😅
If you became a god  goddess of a specific thing like those from Greek and Norse

If you became a god / goddess of a specific thing, like those from Greek and Norse mythology, what'd you be a god of? What'd you use your godly powers for? ⚡️🌊🔥💕🌱

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
If I became a goddess, I'd be the goddess of animals... I'd speak to animals and be their protector.
Liked by: Allison Marie Tobbe

If you became a god / goddess of a specific thing, like those from Greek and Norse mythology, what'd you be a god of? What'd you use your godly powers for? ⚡️🌊🔥💕🌱

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Hera. 🌿
There a little love story behind this also ❤️
But I would be using my power in the same way as the goddess itself. 🌞

If you became a god / goddess of a specific thing, like those from Greek and Norse mythology, what'd you be a god of? What'd you use your godly powers for? ⚡️🌊🔥💕🌱

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I would be the goddess of art, and people would make offerings at my shrine hoping I'd grant them artistic inspiration

If you became a god / goddess of a specific thing, like those from Greek and Norse mythology, what'd you be a god of? What'd you use your godly powers for? ⚡️🌊🔥💕🌱

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I am the god of mistakes. Sometimes mistakes mean progress, sometimes they turn out to be something brilliant, but most often people are just lazy. I would make people more determined so that they would not be afraid to start something new and make a lot of mistakes - in any case, they would learn something, and I would feel very powerful.

If you became a god / goddess of a specific thing, like those from Greek and Norse mythology, what'd you be a god of? What'd you use your godly powers for? ⚡️🌊🔥💕🌱

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’d be God of terrible things so I could make awful people just as miserable as they make everyone else!
Liked by: Ian Káedan Tobbe

If you became a god / goddess of a specific thing, like those from Greek and Norse mythology, what'd you be a god of? What'd you use your godly powers for? ⚡️🌊🔥💕🌱

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I would be Tazer, the god of cleaning up
Anyone deliberately littering would get a taser shot on the butt ⚡️

What's your favorite Pokemon?

CursedSiren’s Profile PhotoSiren
Oh Ninetails. At first someone might think big deal it's a fox with a bunch of fails. But it's a straight up Yokia with is a godlike spirit/demon in Japanese mythology. It's a kitsune. Yes the fox ladies. They all start off as literal foxes. They used to believe that foxes could live forever so long as they don't die before they become godlike. They grow more tails as they grow older & more powerful. The Ninetails (kyūbi no kitsune) is the most powerful and her name was Tamamo no Mae. She's featured in many Japanese mouths as THE ninetailed fox demon

Language: English