

You're stuck on an island. How would you spend your time?

Playing by the ocean. Looking for sea shells. Laying in the sand. Hope it’s nice and cool there and not to hot💕

Latest answers from Princess

U should not get love because u don’t deserve it with 3 bfs

Um I don’t have a boyfriend lmao. Don’t even know u. Plus you should not get love because you sent me this. And oh I don’t care what you say /think so lol 😂

Do you think you should embrace rejection? And why?

If I get rejected I don’t care. I’m used to it lol.

Would you rather take care of someone or be taken care of?

To be honest in relationships it’s both ways. But it would be nice if I was taken care of for a bit, I’m not gonna lie.

would you rather meet your soul mate or win the lottery

Soulmate . But If my soulmate doesn’t exist then the lottery would make my life so much easier if I won lol. I don’t play the lottery but man if I ever bought a ticket and won life would be so hard .

Do looks matter?

Yes and no. It all depends on the person . For me looks matter because I want to be attracted to someone but personality is also very important.

Language: English