
Spooky Queen

Latest answers from Spooky Queen

Is There That One Person You Would Do Anything For. That You Love So Much. If They Asked For One More Chance And They Put All The Work In Woukd You Give It To Them?

Probably not. Depends

When were you a bully and a hater?

I’m not a bully. I just treat people the way they treat me lol. Don’t like it ? Too bad

sometimes i feel bad for people who are just deliberately mean like what caused you to be like this?😶

Right !!! Sometimes they choose to be that way tho .

Can you feel the vibe right away whether you will like or hate the person you just met?

Not really. Maybe sometimes , Depends how they act

When were you a cold hearted biatch & why?

I have yet to show that side much. Everyone that I’m around is nice to me

Language: English