
Paris Palaita

Ask @RissyGang

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I do know the juniors little girl. I've known them before you even started Oc. so don't skip to conclusions, yeah? algood little girl keep dissing our boys, uniform, school etc. keep it up.

Fuck I'm not dissing our school or boys. I'm saying the uniform is ugly for juniors because it is! Don't come on here and deny it because you know damn well I'm right. I'm not dissing the boys I'm just saying what I think about them because its true for the MAJORITY of junior boys NOT ALL. And I'm not dissing our school. Everyone writes shit like this so don't only get angry at me. You shouldn't even be worrying or wasting your time on us 'JUNIORS' and the shit I write. Fuck sakes.
Liked by: Maia Sarah✌ Tannnny

well if it was too the juniors or not that still doesn't matter. you always seen to be puttng oc down. if you don't like it at oc then I suggest you go bk to McCauley or wherever you wish. that's really low of you too be putting our boys dwn like that. your making them look like something their not.

It's funny because when people say shit like that no one ever argues with them they go along with it then when I write something about oc everyone goes mental. I'm guessing your senior, you don't know the juniors that well, you can ask any junior and they'l agree with me. I'm not putting down oc I'm being honest in my opinion like everyone else. Leave?haha dw ill be gone by next year term two.
Liked by: Maia Sarah✌

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I don't think you have the right to diss our senior boys like that Paris. who do you think you are? you hardly do anything but keep quiet at school but on Fb its another story :3 yeah our boys may not be all holy holy but seriously, that's just low coming from a junior like you.

It was aimed at juniors not seniors. I said 'majority' not all. Next time read propley before assuming shit like this.
Liked by: Maia Sarah✌

tbh not being a bitch but i have a lot of friends from oc and i think its pretty wrong of you to generalize, not everyone at oc is grounded in the drinking, drugs etc culture actually quite a few of them a really lovely

If you actually read it propley I said 'majority' it was aimed at juniors not seniors.
Liked by: Maia Sarah✌ Capri.

I saw your questions come up on my ask. I don't think anything I say will do much, but you're beautiful and your a gift to this world! Hope you're okay. Stay strong<3

Thank you xoxoxo
Liked by: Sarah✌ Tylah


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