
Paris Palaita

Ask @RissyGang

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il be at your doorsteps on friday, 5:30pm sharp. all dressed up! AHAHAHAHAHAHHA. don't reject me okk::L xx

imakeulol’s Profile PhotoSarah✌
Yayyyyyyyy! Ill get my camera ready I can't miss this moment! Argggghhhh. Me luff you 5evs x x x
Liked by: Tylah Sarah✌

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thoughtz on siale & chloe?

Tbh they would make a legit cute af couple.. As much as I want them together I have respect for him and his Missus and don't wanna ruin their relationship.
Liked by: Sarah✌

it wouldnt have got down and dirty, just anons wanted to start shit and try and make us fight but i didnt cause thats just too far lol. omg yes yes its definately a yes from me!!! :') next date, butterchicken date it is! if your sad, ill be sad with you too! fuck the rest! i got you girl <3

Stupid anons! Geez they are such little pussys behind anon aite! Little no lifes.. Yayyyyyyyyy butterchicken date it is:D I'm so excited, We can both be single and depressed together! Thanks b, always here for you <3
Liked by: Sarah✌ Tylah

aww you sweetheart! aw yes that drama hahaha so over it, i dont know about them lol. but yes thanks though, your status omg! dont worry baby! ill buy you chocolates! we'll cry together, im with you always :* xxx

Thats the one! So happy your over it, because I didn't want things to get down and dirty. Yayyyyyyyy! Chocolate flowers and balloons?Thats us! Oh gosh I love you so much Ala!:* Thanks for being here xxx
Liked by: Sarah✌ Tylah

whenever anyone else has sex it hurts me, virgins are like unicorns and ive lost so many :/

MichealHassall’s Profile PhotoMicheal Hassall
This is why we need to recruit more members into our VirginGang. We need to protect all the unicorns left.
Liked by: Sarah✌

hope youre alright babygirl! smile you beautiful girl! :) xxx

Awwww thanks gorgeous! Hope your okay with the all Lekar and Brina drama! Dont fight!! Your to beautiful to fight, stay safe please! xxx
Liked by: Sarah✌

Are you alright? :o saw you today crying :-/ wanted to come upto you but didn't wanna be random. Hope your ok Paris xxxxxxx

Yeah lol I'm fine! I was just being a sook.. Sorry tho you had to see it:/ but thanks anon xxx
Liked by: Sarah✌

Oh thanks for the heads up about that last message :L I'll he sleeping with one eyes open on the plane LOL thank you homo :p

Jacquelinetuivaiti’s Profile PhotoJacqueline Ieli
Only kidding you'l be fine :D but for reals doe! Never know.. Il let you go now, I think ima hit the gaps zzzz hope you have a safe flight and ill be hearing from you very soon! <3


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