
Paris Palaita

Ask @RissyGang

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we're not accusing you of shit! we just wanna know if its true. cause the person who told us (noname) seemed pretty much like... as if they werent t.s! we're just asking but you went overboard with that stat and now were getting hate from your people for jack!!!

VinaItiri’s Profile PhotoVina itiri
Its not true!!! I would never do that to you's, ever! People and there bullshit man. Ive never gone anywhere with Alice's boyfriend i hardly know him and i sure as hell would never cross the line with either of yous! I also didnt have a thing with your crush, idk who your crush is. If your talking about that guy that you told about which was your secret??i didn't have a thing with him either! Me and him are boys we havnt did anything more then in a friendship way!!!! Just tell me who this person is who told you all this b.s!! Overboard??I just wrote a apology on fb to prove to yous i didnt do any of those things.

Awks how effah was the one that came upto you at christmas in the park tryna get with you lol. hahahahha memmber what screamed at home oh lord kill my souls :z

Halavatau’s Profile PhotoGeorgina Halavatau
And awks how people are saying I tried to get with Efah:/ I already got Pasa! f all the other boys. Keeeeeel meeeeeeeee!!

Would like to say anything to vina and Alice?

Jack. They chose to believe talk shits over me who's been there for them since the start kept all of vina's secrets always helped them out when trouble came towards them, i never f'd them over.. What hurts is they actually believe them over me, Now I know where I stand.
Liked by: evatuise

; well they're just ... Need a hit ovr the head yeah?lol just keep smiling beautiful ^.^ miss seeing your photos on my home page :( buut it's good to see that your okay?! ngaaaaaw (': iloveyou toooooooo soooooo hiiiiiiipps&hiiiiiiiiiipps&loads&loads gorgeous xoxoxoxoxo (:

ParisWalker475’s Profile PhotoParis Walker
Aww yeah because your soooo vain girly!! Haha but yeah I should be fine, donnaworry about me it doesn't effect me because I know I didn't do any of those b.s things there saying I did:z love you heaps and heaps xoxoxoxoxoxo

Did you try to get with Efah?:/

Nigga please! I got Pasa why the hell would I try to get with Alice's boyfriend, I already told her I didn't and that people were t.s she already knows I didn't. I don't even know Efah!!
Liked by: evatuise

; ngaaaaaw :( ihope your alwitee gorgeous? If you needr a hug Paris is always here? Or a laugh? Or a anything? Just holla at mee! Keep your head up Beautiful (: you have a Beautiful smile (: show us that gorgeous Thaang (; haha who cares bout them ... They're jealous (; loveyou beautiful (: xox

ParisWalker475’s Profile PhotoParis Walker
Paris loves Paris :) thank you! Yeah just girl drama big misunderstanding where I've been accused of doing something I didn't even do.. But that's aite they can believe the t.s people I've tried explaining to them. I love you soooooooo much beautiful!! Xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

If they were true friends they wouldn't even listen to the bullshit that's being spread! Now you know who your true friends are my girl <3 xoxox

Sad to know they believed others and not me.. But that's algds. Thanks anon or whoever you are xoxoxo

Hey sis. Hope you're coping well! I know EXACTLY what you're going through. Headup & smile yeah. You deserve to. Stay beautiful babygirl. xoxox

It's hard because I didn't do any of those things.. Idk why someone so hateful towards me will make that b.s about me! But thanks alot, means alot you care got you always xoxo


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