
Paris Palaita

Ask @RissyGang

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did you step our marama?why did yous fight?how did it start?

Yeah I stepped her out because she poked fingers at me. She asked for a fight I told her after school next thing you know she cheapshots me right in the eye and 3 of her girls jump in.
Liked by: Evie Ulugia Lilii

Sorry 4 the random and yes idid ask Jacqueline this and would also like 2 ask u to. If you were 13 and had a grad dance cuming up, what type or dress would you wear and where from? I know i'm 13 and this is a random question, ijust really need so grad dress help please :/ Thankyou.

Dotti and a short not slutty but nice one :) Just mail me and I'l help ya!
Liked by: Jacqueline Ieli

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Paris sorry if i caused shit between you and victor it wasn't my attention nor place to say such a thing. I didn't even accuse you abut anything tbh i just hope you guys are okay.

It's fine, Don't apologize for anything. I'm not sure why you hated me tho?But I don't really care either, Everyone has there own opinion and I was honestly alright with yours! But yeah dw.

Thoughts if any :-) lol xxx

I don't know you personally but your down to earth and really pretty! I think your related to ma girl Grace?Pretty must seriously run through your family! I wish I knew you well enough tbh you seem like a really easy going girl who I wouldn't mind being friends with. But your gorgeous!xxx

Awwww got teary eyed for a second lol means alot coming from you, thanks Paris! you are too cute! xox

Its okay! Stay safe now that you are on holidays :( god bless xoxo
Liked by: Sarah✌ gracey

I literally had a little tear in my eye;)<3. Jks loveyou 5eva B<3 dont worry i remember:* Take care beautiful, remember the same thing ay:-) <3 Loveyou 6eva toughnut<3

I love you forever my cripstaaaaa<3 xxx
Liked by: Aww.Fa gracey Sarah✌

thoughts on me hahaha

You are one of the 3 year11 girls that I like, fucking beautiful perfect figure and hair, down to earth, good personality! You basically got the whole package, we dont talk but I really admire you! xx
Liked by: gracey Sarah✌


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