SGRC, Indonesia

Can asexual people get aroused? What is the cause of asexuality?

They can, Chris. Some of them even masturbate. What defines asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction. They don't think having sex with people appealing. But that doesn't mean they don't have sex drives. They are too human being, with a body that responds to stimulus. So they can also get aroused to certain stimulus. Though would most likely differ with people with other sexual orientation.
They can have sex too, just like heterosexual men can have sex with men or homosexual women can have sex with men or people can have sex with sex workers; sex is an activity that can be done even without sexual/romantic attraction. The same goes with aces. Would they enjoy it? Like it? We don't know. Probably. What we have to keep in mind is that aces, just like other people with other sexual orientation, is different and all fall into a very wide spectrum. Can't say one will apply to the everyone.
The cause? Well... we can't say a lot yet, but we're pretty sure that's not because they have traumatic experience, or haven't found the right person yet, or not yet matured, or sexually repressed, or physically ill. The thing is, they probably have little to no difference with sexual person to the extent that people in general don't even think asexuality exists.
If you want to know more about asexuality, you can visit asexuality.org for more info :)
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Latest answers from SGRC, Indonesia

Apasih yg bakal dibahas ditopik arisan kali ini kak?

Jelasnya di bawah ini yaaa
Lets talking about those taboo!!

Mesti bawa apaan sih kalo arisan?

- diri sendiri (obviously)
- potluck (sharing is fun!)/
- 10k for appreciation atau kalian bisa langsung mengirimkan donasi ke https://kitabisa.com/bantuperpuspkbi untuk membantu terselamatkannya buku2 seksi.
- bawa koleksi mainan kalian (bersiin dulu jan lupa)
- dan a lot of love

Arisan itu apa sih kak?

Kalian tentunya uda ga asing tentang Arisan kan segers. Arisan itu annual meeting kita tiap bulan yg isinya diskusi membahas segala sesuatu yg berhubungan dengan seksualitas. Yes seksualitas include hal2 taboo yg beredar di sekitar kita.

Kakak kapan kita arisan?

Pas banget nih kamu nanya!
Arisan SGRC bakal diadain besok banget nih, Sabtu 25 Agustus 2018 jam 2 siang.
Topiknya "Show and Tell"

kl ke arisan utk nyari jodoh booleh gk kak :(

Biasanya yg niatin cari jodoh di SGRC ga bakal nemu. Tapi setelah pulang dari arisan SGRC, mengaplikasikan ilmu kanuragannya, biasanya segera dapet pasangan. Karena smart is the new sexy 😘

Ka arisan itu ngapain sih.. aku pengen ikut, tapi aku gasuka arisan :(

Arisan itu kecintaannya segers, diskusi ilmiah, sambil canda2 manja, n ngemil cantik. Dan tentunya tidak akan ada yg merasa sendiri. 😉

Language: English