

What makes a teen popular in school?

Depends on the values of the in-group of the school. Generally, being personable, outgoing, and funny tend to make people popular. If you can add a talent, like intelligence or skill, then you can be seen as a social leader too.

Latest answers from SkepticalRoot

If you’re sore (but not too sore) after a workout from the day before, would you still workout the next day?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Yes. One way to alleviate mild to moderate DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) is to use the sore muscles.

Why are you a atheist?

Because I have higher epistemic thresholds for adopting beliefs than most people.

Is it a HIPPA violation if a boss told guys he was in rehab before he even got out? I think it is🤷🏼‍♂️

HIPAA only covers the electronic transmission and disclosure of medical information. Unless the boss is providing the rehab services to the employee, they are probably not in violation. You can see what HIPAA covers by checking out the HHS webpage on it.

How do you decide which questions to answer?

By how I feel about the question or the answer. This one felt like I had something to say about it, and it was an actual question.

Do you find it perfectly fine for someone who is 20+ to still live with their parents and not working anywhere (like me)? My little sister’s friends told my little sister that I should’ve been out of the house at 18 and I hate how that’s the “norm” these days.

The average age to move out of your parents house is somewhere between 24 and 27 in the US. 18 isn't the "norm" and hasn't been for as far back as I've seen data on it.

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