

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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What gossip about yourself has made you laugh?

IDK, people either don't gossip about me or don't tell me about it.

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What's the best news you could hear right now?

Finances are my most pressing concern right now, so coming into a large new source of steady income would be nice.

What is your strongest phobia?

I am slightly more abnormally afraid of heights. I am extra super cautious when up high, but it's not a true phobia.

Would you ever try the blueberry gum off of Charlie and the chocolate factory?

Why are you obsessed with body inflation?

How often do you check your emails?

Work email I keep open at all times. Personal email I check notifications, but typically once a day I check at least one of my accounts.

Which is better WWE 2k or svr

I haven't been into anything WWE since, like, high school. Think Hulk Hogan and Macho Man era.

Which is the most exotic place you have been to?

What is an exotic place? I've been to the desert, the mountains, the plains, the forest and the sea. I've been in big cities and small towns, I've been in caves and wide open spaces, new places and old ones.

Has anyone ever said something to you that set you on a path to prove them wrong?

Only if I was certain they were wrong, and then, well, all the time.

Describe a perfect night out!

Assuming I had to go out, it would be low key. Dinner with the wife at a nice, but not expensive, restaurant, then a movie that neither one of us is sure about but both end up liking more then we expected.


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