

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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Do you agree that nobody goes through more shit in life than a person with a good heart?

No. There are plenty of closed, vile people out there that have every reason to be that way. Good people tend to have reasons to be good at the end of the day.

Where is the difference between being confident and being cocky?

Cocky wants others to know how "confident" or capable they are.

What if every time you got mad or upset your body inflated like a balloon?

What is it with the body inflation thing?

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How old are you and do you have a crush on someone?

I won't disclose my age to random people, but I am over 30 and not retired. I currently don't have a crush on anyone, but I have been married for 10 years.

If you could have lunch with ONE person living or dead who would it be and why?

Sam Clemens, a.k.a Mark Twain. I think if I only have time for lunch, he would be smart, witty, insightful and interesting. If I could spend a day with someone, it would be either Nikolai Tesla or George Orwell.

Are you more often lending or borrowing money?

Lending, probably. I am not doing so well that I can do it often, but I have been able to help put friends once in a while when they were in a tight spot.

What hour do you usually go to bed and how many hours do you sleep every night? Have you had nights when you didn't sleep at all?

12-12:30 A.M. I usually get between 5.5 and 6.5 hours a night, which isn't enough. I don't recall a time when I couldn't sleep at all, but I have (intentionally) gone about 40 hours straight without sleep once.

What childhood story actually frightened you?

I don't recall being actually frightened by any stories as a child, but I sill don't like clowns because I saw Poltergeist when I was too young.

what is your favourite quotation?

Four score and seven years ago, our father brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

i challenge you to do something you don’t do every day

To me that's not a challenge because I seek out new things all the time. Here's one for you. This month, walk through a door you don't think you're supposed to. Be reasonable and don't set off any alarms, but go somewhere that's not "your space" to be in.
+1 answer in: “today is 2/1. challenge: do one thing everyday which isn’t something obvi like eating or sleeping 😩😒🙅🏻‍♂️ tell me what ull try. reply back on 3/1. be honest. do you actually think you can rly do this? i chose today bc it’s the easiest month to even attempt this task”

Do you know who Banksy is? Do you like his art?

His art's pretty good. Some of it's provocative and some of it's interesting.

today is 2/1. challenge: do one thing everyday which isn’t something obvi like eating or sleeping 😩😒🙅🏻‍♂️ tell me what ull try. reply back on 3/1. be honest. do you actually think you can rly do this? i chose today bc it’s the easiest month to even attempt this task

I do things most days that aren't obvious.
+1 answer Read more

What’s one luxury item you would like to own?

I'm not much into things, so I can't think of anything right now.

Would you rather go to Westworld or Jurrasic Park?

Jurassic Park was cool, but people get killed even before the park was open. Westworld took a little while before they started killing people. You know, I'd probably still pick JP. The tech in Westworld would eventually make it to market, but the dinosaurs would never be common.

Have you ever visited a place where it made an emotional impact on you? How did it make you feel?

I am an emotionless automaton, so no.


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