

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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Are you happy now? What are the main reasons for your happiness?

Happiness is fleeting, much like sorrow. I am more happy than sad most of the time because I focus more on positive aspects than negative ones.

In your life, so far, what were the 3 happiest things, and the 3 saddest things that happened to you?

Happiest - the life of each of my sons, and Christmas 2007 (I think) when I pulled a prank on my now wife (I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe). Saddest... I don't know, maybe when I found a kitten I had raised hit by a car when he was 11 months old, the breakup of a relationship because they weren't willing to make a small sacrifice for us, and ... I don't know. I don't hold onto sadness very much.

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Have you ever preformed any shows/acts for an audience?

I've given speeches (I don't have a problem speaking in front of a crowd), and I once played America the Beautiful for my cub scout troop on the trumpet. Does that count?

How many cracks does your phone screen have?

None. I haven't cracked a phone screen since the flip phone before my last flip phone - circa 2003-ish. I always use a case and screen protector and I treat my phone like I pay for it ('cuz I do).

What is your reason to keep fighting and survive?

I don't fight. I approach life more like Akido or sailing than American football. It's not about force, it's about guiding yourself. I survive because that's the direction I want to go.

Why is it so hard to break up with someone?

Because even when we aren't compatible, we can become attached.

How to Travel on an Airplane If You Suffer from Claustrophobia?

It would depend on the severity. Jet airplanes are pretty large on the inside, so it wouldn't be much different from being in an odd shaped room for a while. Smaller planes would be more troubling.

Have you ever attempted a do-not-try-this-at-home stunt or experiment you saw performed by professionals?

I don't think so. I might have, if I knew what was going on and realized that it wasn't as bad as it looked.

what's your favorite poet to read on rainy days?

I always enjoyed Walt Whitman, but to be honest I haven't sat down with any poetry in years.

What hairstyle do you like to see on the opposite gender?

Depends on the person. Some cuts/styles look good on different people and others don't.

Does anyone know how to make your Tumblr account private or somehow prevent fake bots from following you? I just had to delete mine because of the porn accounts following me.

I don't know how to do that. I haven't been on Tumblr in quite a while.

I love apples - what do you love?

I don't know if there is any "thing" that I love. But, I really like apples too, and my son would eat them every day if he could.

Would you ever be friends with people who have different views to you?

Maybe. It depends on the person and the views. There are people I'm friends with that I disagree with on things now.

What's your favorite water sport?

I like canoeing, but I'd like to try kayaking. Jetski's are fun too, but not something I'd invest in.

Whats the most expensive thing you've ever broken? 📪

I've totaled a couple of cars. At the time though, one was worth $2500 and another was $1000. That was 20 or so years ago.

a quote that you associate with yourself?

It used to be "Never regret." While I still hold to all of the philosophical underpinnings of that idea, I think my personal philosophy has grown beyond just that. I don't know that I have a fully articulated quote I'd currently associate with at this time.

Why don't people have sex everyday?

Some people aren't that into it, even with skilled and attentive partners. Some people have hang-ups about it. Some people have moral objections to it. Some people are too stressed out or don't have the time for it.

What shouldn't you do on the first date?

There are no hard and fast rules to dating. Be your more presentable self. Don't act like someone you aren't. Maybe the only thing you shouldn't do is lie.


Language: English