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Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?

Boots, dress shoes and my squat shoes, yes; other running or cross-training shoes, no.

If you could be fluent in a new language what would it be ?

I started Japanese a while back, and I'd like to get better at it. I am rather rusty any more in French and German too. But if it has to be a new language, I might go for ancient Greek, since I've never studied that.

Do you agree that pet-shops should not sell animals?

No, I think that pet shops can humanly sell animals. How else would you get pet fish. mice, birds or hamsters? I think this is usually an idea to discourage puppy mills (who often sell to pet store chains) but there are certainly ways to sell animals without treating them poorly.

What are you interested in that most people aren’t?

There's quite a list. Powerlifting, anime, philosophy and psychology, 90's alt rock, politics, new technologies... I mean, most people are just over 50% of the population, so even popular things like sci-fi or woodworking are technically not liked by "most" people, even if they are fairly common.

What's the best thing about your life right now?

Best is a subjective thing, changing from moment to moment. My answer to this question (and it's ilk) will probably always be: "To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women!" from Conan the Barbarian.

are you home already?

Yes, though "already" is a strange qualifier since I'm seeing this just before 1 PM local time.

I drove through New York today and when I do, I always think of Jon Bellion. Have you heard his music? If so, what's your favorite song of his?? :)

I haven't heard of him before now. I've only just now heard All Time Low, and it was pretty OK, just not much of the style I prefer in music. I wouldn't turn it off if it came up on a random playlist or the radio though.

If you could be famous for anything, it would be…

Something that profoundly changes the way humans live, like coming up with a new philosophy about the world.

Do you think people have taken political correctness too far?

In some areas, yes. I think we need to be both more tolerant of ideas and less emotional about things. We should stop caring about how things make people feel as a metric of the value of the thing, and be more open to ideas of what is and is not good.

In life, do you see yourself more of a bystander or are you more of a participant? Why?

I am the main character in a sort-of boring story. So I am a participant, but not necessarily the author of my tale.

Which country would you never want to visit? Why?

I don't think there is anywhere in the world that I would refuse to go, but I am sure there are currently several places that wouldn't allow me entry.

Do you wear slippers at home?

Slippers? Not anymore. I've upgraded to indoor shoes (slip-ons that are sold as regular, casual shoes). Between my wife liking the house colder and two boys who play with Leggo's, it's just better for me this way. I used to be barefoot all the time, but then I had to deal with other people.


Language: English