

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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Do you think someone likes you and if you know for a fact they do , do you like them back????

Yes, my wife.

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What your favourite season? Mine is Autumn... Cool nights and slightly warm days. And all those beautiful colours of nature

I also like Autumn, but I have reasons to like all the seasons.

Do you prefer texting or calling?

It depends on what I have to say. If I need to be clear or discuss, I prefer calls. If I want to just say something that doens't need a response (or only a yes/no) then I prefer text.

Can you drive a car? Do you have a driving license? 🎫

Yes, and yes. I can even drive with a manual transmission and a choke.

who's ur favorite viner (or youtuber)? aa

Vine is dead. On YouTube, the people I like the most don't put out content often enough, so I watch a lot more stuff from people who are fine but not great. Though I've gotta say I understand why PewDiePie is as big as he is.

Do you like to go to Chinese restaurants? What's your usual order?

Yes. Depends on what I'm in the mood for that day.

What does true friendship mean to you?

Anais Nin put it beautifully when she said, "Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born." Though some natural loners are happy without them, most of us depend greatly on the company of true friends. As with any relationship, friendships bring support and joy and occasionally strife.

Would you rather get noticed by the hottest person at party or have perfect abs?

Abs. While both abs and parties are fleeting, abs can last longer.

What colors would you choose to define every season? For me it´d be: Spring-Green, Summer-Blue, Autumn-Orange, Winter-White.

Those look like good answers.

How many books you read?

Not as many as I used to or as many as I'd like every year. I'd like to read 25 to 50 books per year. Last year I didn't finish one.

If aliens do really exist, which language will be okay for them to speak of?

Well, their own of course. If they are going to learn one based on usefulness in communicating with humans, then English (it's spoken in more countries and is taught in many different countries).

Coffee or cocoa or tea? ☕️☕️☕️What do you choose?

Coffee most of the time. Then tea, then cocoa. I like cocoa better than tea, but I can't drink it all the time. I can drink tea till the cows come home though.

Is it easy for you to confess that you are in love?

It's easy for me to tell people that I love them. In intimate relationships, I tend to say it first if I feel that way.

Do you believe in ghosts? No? Neither do I. But I still don't know how I came back.

No, I don't. But sure...

Are you following the news? What are you interested in?

I follow the news all the time. If you mean news wise, I have a variety of interests. In old school terms, I read the entire newspaper (though I just skim the sports section).


Language: English