

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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😆👧Do you play a musical instrument?

Not so much. I've taken lessons in the trumpet, guitar, piano, recorder, harmonica and violin. I don't know if I could play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on any of them at this point.

are you a 🙂🙃😠😦hypocritical person?if so, how far can you go?

No, I am not hypocritical. I am nuanced and flexible though, and I will and do change my position on things.

What do you guys usually get at Starbucks ❤️ya

A grande coffee, black. If I'm picking a roast it will tend to be darker.

name the 😃😖people u have streaks with

I don't have streaks with anyone. And why would I name them to some rando?

What do you feel like so many people don't 😞😤👦like you?

I don't feel like that, and probably haven't felt like that since puberty (and maybe not even then, to be honest). I am well liked by those that know me.

Do you like poetry? Have you tried to 😯write poetry sometime?

I do like poetry. I used to enjoy reading it as well as writing it, but I haven't done that in a long time. It's been at least 15 years since I wrote any poems.

Is reputation important for a person nowadays?

It's more important to some people than others. However, I think reputation means more when it means anything nowadays. Online, always on social media culture values reputation more than IRL, for the most part.

I want new music. Any suggestions? ???

Maybe, but I don't know what you listen to now, so I don't know what would be "new" to you. Not that I'm huge into music.

What is the difference between a woman and a priest?

This feels like it needs a punch line, like "a women won't come on your face", but I've seen enough porn to know that answer doesn't work.

What to do, when it's boring?

It depends on what "it" is that's boring. I don't get "bored" for the most part. I can read, play on my phone, listen to some podcasts or YouTube, or meditate and be quiet for a time.

If you had the opportunity to go somewhere and start a new life, where would you go? What job would you have? And how do you imagine your house there?

I'm pretty happy with where I am. BUT, if I was forced to start a new life somewhere and I got to pick, I'd probably go into nature conservancy somewhere in the southwest. I'd live in a middling ranch home with a few acres of land a short drive from a decent size town.


Language: English