
Skylar Matterin

Ask @SkyeMatterin_

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Is Roman going to stay? You two were my otp.

/ I truly have no idea if I’m being honest. The admin is going through a lot, and that is, by no means, my place to say anything on behalf of how they’re feeling. I hope they stay, obviously. They’re an amazing roleplayer and an equally as incredible person who I care about deeply. I support them no matter what, whether they feel like leaving is a better idea or if staying is a good idea; i honestly just want them to be happy with whatever they decide to do and if not being around here anymore makes them happy then so be it. I’m here for them no matter what, and they know that. I have no idea who you are but I’m glad you enjoyed Roman and Skylar ( Rylar ). I, hand on my heart, don’t know what’s going to happen with them from this moment on but I feel honoured to have had the opportunity to roleplay them. :’)

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Is Roman going to stay You two were my otp

What type of parent would your character be?

/ I like to think she'd be a good mother, but I do think she'd be constantly worrying that she is doing wrong or making mistakes, and that would instinctively cause her to panic that she is repeating history. She'd want to give them stability, a happy home, with a loving family, and I think she'd have reservations about starting one because of her temper, and her mannerisms. I think she'd feel like she was a terrible influence on them, and because of that she'd try extra hard to be a good mother. She'd definitely be protective over them, wanting to know how they are, where they're going, etc. I think she'd also want to give them the life she never had, and would desperately try to cover them in bubble wrap to stop them from going through any of the pain that she had endured. All in all, though, she'd love them more than anyone else in the entire world.

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What type of parent would your character be

Who is Tommen?

/ Tommen Henderson is the vampire that turned Skylar when she was on the cancer ward after killing the entire floor. He then kind of whisked her off on this vampire adventure, taught her to feed, showed her what it was like to live. She fell for him, and etc. Turns out he worked for HA, and he had to “capture” Skylar and take her there, but she doesn’t know that it’s him. She assumes that he just ditched her.
Who is Tommen

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I find it kinda funny how majority of people that agree to losing a faceclaim rules are the same people that didnt agree to share a faceclaim when the idea was first introduced. :’)

Millie Harmon
/ yikes that’s a whole lotta tea being spilled right there xD
I find it kinda funny how majority of people that agree to losing a faceclaim
+13 answers in: “After 2 months fc would be free for grabs, after 4 months of inactivity on ask admin lose the right on the fc ONLY IF someone else grabbed their fc and can only have the fc back if the new owner wants to share. What do you think? Want poll?”

C H R I S T M A S !

/ also just wanted to say a massive Merry Christmas to everyone ( or if you’re having a normal day, then I hope you have a great day regardless ). You all deserve so much love and all the best. It’s been a blessing getting to know all of you, and seeing all your different personalities shine here. This place wouldn’t be the same without any of you and I’m super grateful that I get to share this experience with all of you. Have an incredible day, and I hope you get everything you wanted! Bucket loads of love and appreciation from yours truly, xx 💕.

just a little thing;

/ hey, so, basically I’m just here to say that I’m going to be going on a brief hiatus from pages, and have some time to just breathe for a while. I’m not coping very well ooc, and I’ve tried my best to not let it affect my characters but it’s now starting to bring down my muse drastically so I’m going to be leaving for a short while - a few days maybe, just enough until I don’t feel like everything piling in on top of me. I’m not doing this for any sympathy or pity, I just wanted to let everyone know that I’m not really going to be on here at least not roleplaying or answering questions. Anyone who knows me well enough knows that my ability when it comes to dealing with things and not stressing is extremely flawed and I need some time to just figure out what’s going on in my own head with college and all that before I even comprehend the idea of getting back into my characters. Anyway, this is me signing off I suppose? Or however you’re supposed to do it. I’ll be back soon, and I’ll probably be on messenger if anyone needs me. Thank you to anyone who got to this part of the message, I appreciate you taken the time to read this.

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just a little thing

Do you have a written love interest? If you do, tell us about it?

/ the only written love interest she has is Tommen. He’s the vampire that turned her when he found her dying of cancer in the hospital. Ultimately, he saved her and shaped her into the person she is — as well as stripping her from her young naivety and innocence. He’s the first person she’s ever fallen in love with, which is why it hurt her so badly when he traded her freedom for his own. They’re like two sides of the same coin, and even now she couldn’t imagine her life without him in it; platonic or not.
Do you have a written love interest If you do tell us about it


/ Just letting everyone know my replies will be slow/non-existent for a short while because last night around 2AM me, my mum and brother had a fire at the house. It’s Ben really hard to deal with, emotions everywhere and for that reason I’m taking a break until everything’s sorted. We’re all okay, just shaken. Our pets are okay, but we’re still missing one of our three cats which got out who happens to be my cat, and also the oldest. Anyway, I’ll be back soon hopefully. X
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