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I got a reply saying “just because you go to church doesn’t make you a good person” that’s not what the Bible and many people say. If god is so acceptant why is it that many Christians our there say that LGBTQ is something bad? Wasn’t he the one that made us? That put those thoughts in our beards?

It is bad though

Eid Mubarak?? May Allah flood your life with happiness on this occasion, your heart with love, your soul with spiritual, your mind with wisdom.


What is your favorite color and favorite thing to do is summer

Ivan smith
I don't really have a favorite color, and I play videogames during some of the summer

?Idk but I don’t like that people tell me to be a teacher because on this quarantine I had been helping with homework and etc but I don’t like it

Liked by: Flor DC

Видела тебя с одной милой особой, кто она тебе?

Someone I know

Tomorrow I’m going to do what you answer ?or try put something easy that I can do in home and not outside please!

Liked by: Flor DC


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