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Okay so say you went with a friend and he had a friend with a girlfriend but he started liking you and now you caught feelings, would it be weird if you texted him ?

might not be

Okay so say you went with a friend and he had a friend with a girlfriend but he started liking you and now you caught feelings, would it be weird if you texted him ?

Might not be

Should a guy text you first after you guys meet or ??

It doesn't really matter who texts first

Post one of your favorite quotes & who it's by!✌

"there are no mistakes" oogway
It can squeeze you out of situations, or put you deeper in them

﴿ لَيلَةُ القَدرِ خَيرٌ مِن أَلفِ شَهرٍ ﴾ اللهم لا تحرمنا نورها و بركتها و أجرها وعتقها. جعل الله رمضان جابرا لقلوبكم♥️ أوصيكم بالصلاة على النبي، وسورة الكهف، وللصائم دعوة عند فطره وفي الجمعة ساعة إجابة، فاغتنموها .. وإجعل لنا من جبر الخواطر نصيب يارب اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد جمعة_مباركة


Why ppl around me keep gossiping?How they can gossip everything??,I didn’t mean to blame them but sometime its nothing but they still saying like they know everything?For example when im at cafeteria the cute girl walk thru me,then the group near me talk about her story.its not bad story.but..why?

Thats what they do

متابعيني الطيفين مساء الخير ⁦? بدي اغلبكم تحطو لايك هون الشب داخل مسابقة اول مرة بشترك فيها والي بنمون عليه ينشر عنده ما يقصر ? واسف ازا بعتت كتير ? اتحملوني ⁦♥️⁩ https://ask.fm/qaisi97/answers/162254321170?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=android

eslamhabunijmeh’s Profile Photo||•• إِ ســـلــ ❤︎ ــــآم ••||


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