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*" كل شئ ياتى اليك فى اللحظه المناسبه كن صبور🖤🍁* *"Everything comes to you at the right moment, be patient🖤🍁."*


What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?

I've done many dangerous (and dumb) things so I don't even know

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10+ years ago, ink mutiliation was frowned upon in the West like many parts of the world and many associate them with gangs, drug addicts, tough wannabes and emos etc. I have no idea how it become normalized so fast. 2 of my friend did it on their arm and legs, they ruined their aesthetics.

I didn't even know it existed

ابقي شخص بياخد موقف من الناس ازاي يجماعة لان حقيقي كل ما حد يتخانق معايا بضحك ع انو بيهزر وف الآخر بكتشف انو كان بيتكلم بجد من صحابي!


What should I do if the vehicle won't turn on again after I turn it off, and the butterfly stays open?

Take it to get repaired

This shoutout is specifically for middle eastern women... If someone was a famous rapper and he had few baby mothers would it be possible to still have a family with a middle eastern girl from Dubai or Saudi Arabia? Or no it is impossible?

Can't answer that

Overall, I’m grateful and work hard in school. However, I also have nice electronics, furniture, etc. and go on vacations ~2 times a year. I break rules sometimes, waste others’ time sometimes, don’t do many chores, and can throw tantrums. Am I: a normal person, or a spoiled brat?

You mostly normal

What your favourite season? Mine is Autumn... Cool nights and slightly warm days. And all those beautiful colours of nature

It depends on my mood

So, I stopped talking to one of my guy friends a couple of months ago (do to his relationship problems) but I'm considering starting to talk to him again because the school year is almost over and I have a really big event coming up in my life but I'm also scared to . What should I do?

Kitty Kat
Ask him if he is good

did i ruin my friendship? i emailed my friend and asked for her phone number so we can keep in touch easier and she wont respond

Probably not


Language: English