
Stephen Ind

I have a friend who is a Catholic. She says the Pope never sinned that's not true the Bible says all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God except Jesus He never sinned

You are quite right that all the Popes have sinned.
There might be a confusion between you and your friend.
Catholics believe that the Pope or Holy Father has a gift given him by the Holy Spirit and that is Papal Infallibility. I must immediately point out that this does not mean that the Pope does not sin. Papal Infallibility does not prevent the Holy Father from sinning. Papal Infallibility prevents the Holy Father from teaching error on faith or morals when he speaks as the Vicar of Christ for the whole Church.
This power is very specific and is used very seldom by Holy Father. There are only two clear uses of it that I know of for the past two centuries. The one is the definition of the Immaculate Conception in 1854 and the other is the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven in 1950.
We believe this power to define clearly something which Jesus had already taught to his disciples was give to Peter by Jesus. In Matthew 16:16-18 Jesus told Peter that he would build his Church on Peter and he gave him the keys to the kingdom of heaven with the power to bind and loose on earth. As this role of Peter was meant to exist till the end of the world this power has been passed on to Peter's successors. Peter was the bishop of Rome and so the succeeding bishops of Rome take on this power.
This is truly an amazing gift from God. What it means is that when people start to question the faith, i.e. what we must believe, the questions raised can be answered with certainty. It is the same as if Jesus were still on earth and we can approach him through the man he has appointed to continue his work. If God has done this then it is a truly amazing gift that he has given us. We can see how important it is practically to protect God's people from false teaching in how Protestant groups have splintered. These groups which have their origin from Luther's break from the Church have continued to split into more and more groups as they disagree with each other on doctrine and have no authority to appeal to but their own interpretation of the Scripture.
I can think that this proposal of Papal Infallibility might seem horrifying to you, as it did to me when I was a Protestant. I ask you to continually seek the truth and never to turn away from the wonders of God's grace. Remember how in John 6:22-71 many left Jesus because he taught them that they had to eat his body and drink his blood? When question on this he insisted that this is what they had to do. The people said, "This saying is hard; who can accept it?" (vs. 60) Seeing this Jesus did not stop them on the contrary he turned to his disciples and asked them "Do you also want to leave?" (vs. 67) Peter replied, as we must, "Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." (vs. 68)
Many, many prayers and blessings! :-) :-) :-)

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I think that angels do not occupy space as they are pure spirits.

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Great that you got lost in a book! That time is not wasted to be sure.

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Very few people seem to agree with me so I don't see how that might be.

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Yikes! I wish everyone success against Chinese aggression!

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I associate redemption with what Christ has done for us, making it possible for us to get to heaven, and salvation as our response to this. Salvation certainly requires repentance, a rejection of all that is evil and action to pursue what is good.
How does this sound to you?

just pick up the video game and head towards the Exit bruh

Find I am exclusively playing free games (and recently only Weapon Fighting Simulator on Roblox.)

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