
Stephen Ind

Latest answers from Stephen Ind

I tried selling my uranium to a pawn shop but they wouldn't take it, so I had to sell to Iran


It's good to hear from you again. Congrats on good success . Accountability is good, but if not thinking about it helps, that's good too. Do whatever works. I wish you much success . That's a manageable goal without seeming daunting.

Thanks! That is kind of you. I find I battle to achieve the simplest goals!

hypothetical graduation during pandemic 20 thoughts: it's anotha Zoom call today, good, I wanted to buy $666 dollar pants w/$100 shiping but instead i'llpostpone the purchase and invest in the S&P 500, 2024: the news says I'm rich! - how do u think your graduation wouldve went if you school Zoom'd?

By school you mean university right? I do not think it would have changed my graduation ceremony that much. We do not make much of in South Africa in general and I think that still holds. As for high school there was no graduation but certainly a party and a ball.
PS Good choice on the investment and I hope your graduation was okay!

are you going to buy the new smart glasses by ray ban tomorrow? you can take pictures with them. maybe an fbi agent will show me secret intercontinental ballistic lunch codes.... mmmm lunch codes : )

Lol! Have not heard of them, doubt I could afford them and am yet to wear sunglasses.

The information below relates to questions 1 – 20: You have been provided with the following data to aid in the preparation of the statement of cash flows for Sibasa Supplies Limited, a company that supplies cleaning consumables to public and private health facilities in the Vhembe District Munici

There is not that space for questions!

Some Tshirts last years others only a year or two. Some fade, crack and tear like crazy. I got so used to buying cheap Tshirts I'm afraid I'll be using them to dry my car after a wash.. It's good to see quality that lasts longer than a year or two. Can a hurricane bring me new Tshirts it swept up?

Hope you find some good quality T-shirts at a great price at the shops! 🌻🌻🌻

if Germany calls for 900K troops, usaFrancEng authorize use of 1st world weapons to strike inside russia, Rus to conduct drills in the caribbean, and USA test new long Range ICBMissles [is in the news] - yet the news says we're not at war lol. then just practicing for an extraterrestrial invasion?

Yikes! This sounds disturbing!

Do you see any precedent for praying to the dead/saints in the Bible?

Yes! As Jesus in response to the Saducees speaks of how the dead patriarchs are in fact alive. Those in heaven and those Christians on earth form one body in Christ. So asking someone alive in Christ to pray for you is very much allowed.
There is also the clear reference in 2 Maccabees as to how those on earth can assist the dead. This being the case it seems likely that those in heaven can help us.
2 Maccabees 12: 43-46
“He then took up a collection among all his soldiers, amounting to two thousand silver drachmas, which he sent to Jerusalem to provide for an expiatory sacrifice. In doing this he acted in a very excellent and noble way, inasmuch as he had the resurrection in mind; for if he were not expecting the fallen to rise again, it would have been superfluous and foolish to pray for the dead. But if he did this with a view to the splendid reward that awaits those who had gone to rest in godliness, it was a holy and pious thought. Thus he made atonement for the dead that they might be absolved from their sin.” (New American Bible)
That Luther threw this book out of the Bible in the 16th century 1500 years after Our Lord founded his Church is no argument for its exclusion!
I hope this helps. Please ask more questions or point out my errors. Thanks! Many, many prayers and blessings to you!

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