@StephenInd#1 🇿🇦

Stephen Ind

Latest answers from Stephen Ind

If your partner calls you and says they want to spend time with you while you are with your friend on a date what are you going to do ?!

For me partner would have to spouse and she would be the only person I could go on a date with. Please God, the situation you describe would be unthinkable!

do you know why there are more shootings in Chicago in the winter? because the alibi can be it's ski mask weather


If we don't serve God, we serve ourselves. Serving ourselves eventually leads to delusion. The biggest mistake ppl can make is lying to themselves

Yes! Lying to oneself can make it impossible to repent and turn to God!

When was your happiest moment and why ?

marocterma’s Profile PhotoMaroc Terma
My happiest moments are in prayer when I become very aware of God's love for me. And these moments perhaps because God's love is a completely absorbing, all embracing, free gift.

in Haiti there's this guy called Barbecue that's famous on the news lol. do you think his nickname is because he did some nefarious, criminal activity or can we trust this outstanding member of society's honest answer of "I got this name cuz I used to eat barbecues around my neighborhood" ?

Yikes! I would think it is difficult to know who to trust in Haiti!

I cost more to the space bounty hunters than a planet with <50 mine workers, plus my heart can be used as a spaceflight engine (so if a bounty hunter catches me, it's a free ride to the space bank). I should be hiding but yet I'm sleeping on a cot in the sunlight. Am I insane? ;)

Perhaps just imaginative (and a little overly romantic)?

Strange that the 'conservatives' were in power for a long time in Britain, and people's opinion is they ruined Her. in England: inflation is there, freehealthcare ruin, bad infrastructure/limited building. They say one thing publicly nd do another self-interested thing. Is this coming to ur county?

Here in South Africa we are trying to claw our way out of a situation where the whole state was said to be captured and had been set to work to the advantage of a few!

wow. they finally did it, they bored society so much that most people don't even watch the news about the summer anymore cuz theyre sick of media calling "summer" climate change. they've made climate change into like an unwatchable TV ad lol

I have heard that there really is an aversion growing to the news! Part of it might well be their pushing certain things. It is in my case.

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