
Stephen Ind

what’s a movie u kinda like, but also don’t really love? but also like u definitely don’t dislike it! u like it!

HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk’s Profile Photoeggsy
"Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse".
I love, loved the animation and the music but the alternate dimension thing I never find that convincing.
Liked by: eggsy

i see what you mean. i struggle w superhero movies in general, especially Marvel, bc the rules are a little too flexible for closure!

HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk’s Profile Photoeggsy
Interesting I have not notice that too much. I thought they tried to be really logical in the Guardians of the Galaxy series though they were pushing the boundaries. I have not seen the latest Avengers movie so I cannot comment about that.
Liked by: eggsy

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