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Which activities are you restricted to because of your physical or mental disabilities? I personally can't read long drawn out sentences without Siri

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Oh boy.. There's a lot.
Cooking... Gotta sit down to cook/wash up/prepare food etc. Standing for long periods hurts.
Bathing - Gotta wash my hair over the bath, and cut my bathing time into sections so that I don't "crash" and exhaust myself. So I'll do my hair on a separate day than an actual bath. Gotta sit outside the bath to do my legs.
Walking for a long time is a nono.
I can't do things that require moving a lot, like running about etc. Unless I wanna crash for a few days.
Sleeping is hard.
Eating is hard. I have one meal a day, which is dinner, and even then I gotta force myself to do that. Cus I have 0 appetite and if I attempt a large meal, I'll go into a bad food coma after.
Bruh, there's loads.
I am restricted with social situations because of my anxiety, and I'm held back from some things, like when I wanted to do kickboxing, because of my physical health

Language: English