

I'm going to assume you all fit this description: At what point in life did you realise that you're ultimately incompatible with other humans because you are indeed a psychopath with huge commitment issues?

I'm incompatible for totally different reasons, but it has nothing to do with being a psychopath. I'm far too lazy to be one of them. :p
But..I'm not saying I'm sane either and I don't have commitment issues at all. If anything, I would totally nuts if I was single. I didn't like it. :(
Hi, BOSS! :D
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Latest answers from Thomas

Are you okay? I miss you! Hope you and your family are healthy and happy. Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi, Miss Grace!! We are doing great, thank you. Hopefully, everyone on your end is doing great, too! Hope y'all had an amazing Thanksgiving. (Big hug)!!
I haven't been on much over the last year. I haven't forgotten you or anyone on here. I'm going to find time to sign in more and ask questions. Nobody seems to ask controversial enough questions when I'm not around. Pffft!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Media hysteria blamed for world crisis. Crackpot media to blame, say people. CasualFan Media: News you can trust!

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan
Lol, Casual Fan!! I missed your fun questions. Hope you are staying safe and healthy. <3
That said, I do think the media hypes things up. Especially now, with so many in quarantine. The media has a strong influence on the public. Do I agree w what they're doing? Not necessarily, but as an American, I believe in freedom of speech . and thought.

Saturday check-in! Say yoo-hoo if you’re still alive and kicking 😷😊Don’t make me worry about you guys

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoPenny Lane
Still alive and kicking. Trying to avoid the public as much as possible though. 😳 The Rona is an oddball of a virus. It's all scary.
That said, I hope you and all of my other friends and followers are safe and healthy!! Good luck to all of you! ❤
Hi, Miss Glinda!!

All too often we say negatively geared things about ourselves, what are some good things you can say about yourself? Aim to say at least 3 things 😁

spic84’s Profile PhotoSpic
Normally, I don't put myself down and not out loud when I do. But I will answer the question anyway!!
-I'm good with animals.
-I still look amazing and my S/O can still bounce a quarter off this (censored)!
-I try to listen to others and help within reason.
https://youtu.be/siIep9LHtNMThomasGWS’s Video 157952161562 siIep9LHtNMThomasGWS’s Video 157952161562 siIep9LHtNM

Name an alcoholic beverage you haven't tried as yet but would really like to?

Buffyfan’s Profile PhotoAlex
I've always wanted to try the Cosmopolitan, but I just haven't. It would have to be in a different glass though. Hi, Alex! LTNS! I hope you're behaving yourself! 🤣

Have you ever done a 23andMe test (or an equivalent)? If so, were you surprised by the results? Was there anything unexpectedly 'exotic'? Q2: What is your ethnic background?

Not that I'm aware of. If I do, I will resnswer this. I probably don't want to know. 😂
BQ: I'm a mixture of German and English.

So some of you noted that you have empty cans/bottles on your bedside table. Just wanted to point out how gross you are. *judges*

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoPenny Lane
I know, right!! Gross. It attracts ants and cockroaches into their homes. *shivers*
Hi, Glinda!! LTNS!

Language: English