

Ask @Wildfoxes__

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growing up, what was your family's attitude towards dinner? (i.e. did someone prepare dinner every night? did you eat around a table? in front of the tv? did you often scrounge something up individually?)

HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk’s Profile Photoeggsy
When I was younger it was my mom or my grandma who made dinner and if you didn't like what was being prepared you are in charge of making your own food so I learned simple things to cook pretty young. And we all ate around the table or the kitchen island.
Liked by: Tamara eggsy

Do you feel that children should be sheltered from unhappiness?

twistedfaithxx’s Profile PhotoQuestions + Advice
Kind of. Like there is a limit where you stop sheltering them from it. Like no they shouldn't be brought into arguments/fights between adults and they shouldn't have to see it because that stuff sucks to see when you are younger. But they shouldn't completely be sheltered from unhappiness because they will grow up and have the hardest time with how the real world works so there are some unhappy situations that they should be kept from but then there are others that they need to be aware of.

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what was the environment your home was in like, growing up (i.e. apartment complex, suburban neighborhood, the country, etc.)?

HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk’s Profile Photoeggsy
I live In the suburbs but not like the typical suburban neighborhood like my neighbors all have farm animals but we live in the suburbs.

When You Have Cereal, Do You Put The Milk In First And Then Cereal Or Put Cereal In First And Then Milk?.exe :P

I put in the cereal and then the milk.

How often do you follow new people on here? What is it that makes you want to follow someone? What causes you to unfollow someone?

twistedfaithxx’s Profile PhotoQuestions + Advice
I haven't followed anyone new in such a long time so not often. I follow people based on their personalities and how they answer their questions. I unfollow people when they become inactive or I lose in interest in following them.

would you be cool with dating someone that has the same name as a parent? (my friend just decided to stop seeing a guy because it was weird to her that he had the same name as her mom! lol.)

HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk’s Profile Photoeggsy
I don't think that it would matter to me. Like it would be kind of weird for a little while but it wouldn't be a deal breaker or anything.
Liked by: no one eggsy

Q4Q? Message me how many and what topics. Also, what is something you think about evry day?

Summer. Like I am so excited for it and I've been counting down the days since October
Liked by: no one

do you think your parents would be disappointed if they never become grandparents? (or do you think your grandparents would be disappointed if they never had become grandparents?)

HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk’s Profile Photoeggsy
My mom was very upset when I first told her that I didn't want kids or that I would only want maybe one. But overtime she has just accepted it and moved one from that. I think my grandparents would have been because they have six kids and to not get any grandkids would probably be disappointing
Liked by: no one eggsy

Do you talk to your parents and siblings? What's your connection with them? its so weird to talk to my brothers because we haven't really been talking as much since we've been aging.

I talk to my mom. But I haven't talked to my dad in years by my choice and I thankfully haven't had to see him either so you can probably tell that we don't have a connection or relationship. And I don't consider his kids to be my siblings so you can see the connection there as well.
Liked by: no one

Why did you get a new snapchat?

I had mine for like 4 years and I absolutely despised my username so I got a new one.

can you use chopsticks?

HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk’s Profile Photoeggsy
I can. Actually when I was little my mom told me every time we ate Chinese food that I had to use chopsticks and i couldn't use a fork. So I learned how to use them pretty young.
Liked by: eggsy

did you leave teeth under or pillow for the tooth fairy? (what did the tooth fairy usually leave you?)

HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk’s Profile Photoeggsy
I did leave my teeth for the tooth fairy and I usually got around $10 each tooth.
Liked by: maluma eggsy

to graduate, were students at your school required to study a foreign language? (if you did study a foreign language, what did you study?)

HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk’s Profile Photoeggsy
When I first started middle school they said it would be required so make sure it gets done. And by the next year it wasn't required anymore so I took it for nothing except elective credit. And I'm taking German currently but this is the last year I'm taking it.
Liked by: eggsy

How many people's phone numbers do you actually know without having to look them up? What relation are these people to you? Are you the kind of person to remember everyone's birthdays or are you often reminded by other people or Facebook/social media?

twistedfaithxx’s Profile PhotoQuestions + Advice
I think 4 or 5. I have my moms, grandmas, aunts and one of my old friends moms number. And then there are random phone numbers I have memorized but I have no clue whose they are. I'm the type of person who remembers everyone's birthdays pretty easily.
Liked by: Questions + Advice

do you use the same knife for the peanut butter and jelly?

HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk’s Profile Photoeggsy
No because when I make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich I usually use a knife for the peanut butter and a spoon for the jelly.
Liked by: eggsy


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