

Ask @Wildfoxes__

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Do you have a job? If so what do you do for work? If you don't work, what do you do with your time?

KatieMartin367’s Profile PhotoKatie
I don't have one. And I do nothing basically. Lol. I watch One Tree Hill, hang out with Teylar, go shopping,bake,etc.
Liked by: Katie

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What have you done today?

Teylar came over at like 11. I believe. And she told me about her night last night and then we went and ate lunch and annoyed my mom all day basically. But made some bracelets. And at like 7 we drove over to Ross just to try on a bunch of clothes and we picked out outfits for each other to try on and stuff. And I bought her a shirt for her birthday and me a dress. And then we went to a few more stores and came home and painted our nails and now I'm going to bed.
Liked by: Tamara

So alot of the people that get my daily questions don't actually answer them, so please let me know if you no longer wish to receive them. I won't be offended, I would just like to know so I'm not wasting my time if they are just going to get deleted. 😊

TamaraMitchell’s Profile PhotoTamara
I'm not trying to ignore them I am waiting until I actually have a good answer.
Liked by: Tamara

Describe you and your best friends relationship

-We are extremely close.
-she will just walk up to me and hold my hand or wrap her arm around mine
-we can do anything and still have fun like some days we go out and do a bunch of stuff and others we sit and watch movies all day
-we tell each other basically everything
-She sends me pictures of little kids all the time with her own captions
Liked by: Tamara

Do you know anyone who NEVER accepts responsibility for their actions and is always making an excuse and blaming others?

Unfortunately yes.
Liked by: Tamara

How do you take your coffee? Do you prefer a latte or mocha or perhaps something else? If you don't like coffee what other bevarage do you like to have in the mornings?

TamaraMitchell’s Profile PhotoTamara
Strong. lol. But no if I drink it warm I add two sugars and a creamer. But my favorite is a 32 oz vanilla bean frapp with a pump of caramel and an extra shot from Beans and Brews.
Liked by: Jazzy Tamara

How do you pronounce your name? Do people ever mispronounce it?

You pronounce it how it's spelled. Say-Dee. You would be surprised how often people mispronounce it. And then they get mad when I don't respond.
Liked by: Tamara

would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying?

TamaraMitchell’s Profile PhotoTamara
I don't know CPR but if I did then I more than likely would because I wouldn't want a person to die.
Liked by: Brooke Tamara

Do you believe there is ever a right time to have a child?

TamaraMitchell’s Profile PhotoTamara
There isn't necessarily a perfect time I think if you're going to plan to have a child you should be stable and I think you'll just kind of know.
Liked by: Tamara

So I wanna do some video responses with EJ for a little bit 😊 so because of that send in some questions about what you wanna know about EJ. Can be anything you want and if its simple enough I will get him to answer it and if not I will explain it myself. Hope that makes sense. Get those q's in 😊!

TamaraMitchell’s Profile PhotoTamara
Liked by: Claudia Tamara

Question Of The Day: Happy 4th July!.exe :D If you're from USA, how are you celebrating today?.exe :D If not just like me, what are you doing today?.exe :3

I have no clue what we are doing today Teylar is coming over in a couple hours but I don't know what we are doing. We don't really go all out for the 4th we usually do stuff the 24th.
Liked by: Claudia


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