
William Conn

Ask @WilliamConn61

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Do you usually do things out of anger and/or in the heat of the moment that you happen to regret later?


what does your dating profile bio say, and if you don’t have one, what would it say?

I'm married. Is that ok?

Would you rather know every detail about your partners ex or nothing at all

If he's batshit crazy I'd want to know

being open minded means being mature enough to accept both views on the same statement To Avoid (opinionated hypocrisy) VS respecting others without being too vocal & outspoken Can't Be Selfish Only Respectful Understanding Forgiving Don't Judge, Learn

Being open-minded means you haven't made a decision.

Is it “normal” to be thinking about a guy who would only talk to me once or twice a year & flirt with other girls in front of me? We won’t end up dating & he could date whoever he wants but I still get frustrated at the thought of him liking a particular girl from our school & treating her special.

I don't know about normal but it's not good. Meet more people.

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Would you correct your friends if you caught them lying?

That would be confrontation not correction but yes


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