
Ashley H

Ask @Yunging

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I try really hard to like and respect you, but when you say shit like "Yep, I'd totes support Bernie Sanders," it gets really, really hard sometimes.

That's not what I said, I said that id been following a little bit and based off what I know, he seems to match my views. I'm not an expert, I don't know anything about anyone else running. I know about his social views and that's about it.

your snotty mom impression in the otcz movie theatre episode KILLED me

That's 100% what they sounded like lol

Sometimes you make Albertans seems like hicks. Are they or are they not?

haha thats the stereotype and sometimes I like to play into it, but MOSTLY, no. But some love the fact that they are hicks
Liked by: Lisa Brooklyn Hi

How the hell do you pay for university without borrowing money from your parents?

Since I was 14 I've saved half of everything I've made. Thats my school fund. Everything else, and this is still how I do it, goes towards bills, my social life, saving for trips, and then shopping or whatever else I want to spend it on.
After school is done being paid for I'll move onto saving for a house.

Would you support Rand Paul for president if u were able to vote in an US election? Why or why not

I haven't heard of him.
Liked by: Jake Hi

If you follow American politics at all would you support Bernie sanders or Hillary Clinton?

I've been following a little and based off of my current limited info id go with Bernie, he's much more liberal and his views match mine.
Liked by: MellyTheKitten


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