
Angela Garcia

Ask @angelagarcia7011

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What's it like to have borderline personality disorder

I got ADHD a heart murmur personality disorder

why is it that all these monster truck and heavy duty truck drivers happen to be short all the time. Usually about 5’5”

I don't know what to say

Should I care if my wife is running around-I am happy and I don’t want any more drama.

That's a good question it's the same situation I am in I cannot say he's not faithful to her maybe she didn't listen what he told her to do

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Do you have trouble buying things online sometimes?

I never have money in my life I have cash up if you want to send me some money it'll be so helpful for my three kids in mind me

What serial killer (real or fictional) fascinates you the most?

I'm not answering that question cuz I'm not like that sorry

Do you think you're attractive

No I'm ugly but my boyfriend is black and he has green eyes and that's really attractive to me

I think it’s time to go silent now. God woulda changed things if it were mine

Like literally since yesterday I've been telling you who you who are you do I know you

Let's just say you have a teenage child and you caught them smoking cigarettes, what would you do?

Take care of it


Language: English