
evoL etaH

Are you still learning who you are?

Yes I am. You never stop learning who you are. You never know what situation might come up and you have to do something that you thought you would never do

Latest answers from evoL etaH

Have you been in a love triangle?

I don’t know about Love but I’ve been in a triangle before. It was fun while it lasted 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror?

Whenever I get a chance to. I love myself and love looking at myself

#WorldHealthDay How do you take care of yourself to stay healthy?

Honestly I don’t 🤷🏽‍♀️. I don’t go to the gym, I try to eat kale with some of my meals when I have time to eat. I’m so lazy but I definitely wanna change that

Does your name have a meaning? What is it?

Now if I told you that you would know my name 🤔. My name means Hope in a place you don’t need to know the name of....

What’s the best thing to do after a long and hard day?

Taking a nice long hot shower while relaxing music plays in the background 😩😩😩

Would you rather lose all of your money and valuables or all of the pictures you have ever taken?

I could always get money and things money could buy but pictures are priceless. You could never get that moment and the memories a single photograph brings back.

What kind of place do you think is ideal for the first date? Why do you think so?

Restaurants because I love to eat , frozen yogurt shops, coffee shops & museums. NEVER movies because you can’t communicate and people think they can make a move on you which personally makes me uncomfortable

Have you ever broken up with a friend?

Yes I have and it hurts especially if you were like sisters it feels like you lost a piece of yourself. Just shows you that you can’t trust everyone that you are close with 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

Language: English