
Baylee McKay

Ask @bayleejomckayy

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My ask name is weird ? It is my name you twat ?

hahaha no, the question you asked before said 'i put beans on toast' hahaha not the thing that says 'ryan price' thats a fine name. haha.
by dont call me a "twat" just dumb.
Liked by: Pricey

Opinion on me x

well I dont know you for one. second, im pretty sure you want me to just compliment you on your abs, so im not going to do that cause indolent dig when people fish for complements. third, your ask.fm name is weird. so theres that
Liked by: Breahn Reveling

What was your favorite TV show when you were a kid?

random fact about myself, I didnt eat any cake on my birthday. not my birthday Day, not my birth weekend, not my birth week. not even once. what the hell.
Liked by: Kenna tesssaa Kaitlyn

do you play or want to know how to play any instrument's?

Yep! I only know how to play the Cello and the Viola. I want to learn how to play Piano and Guitar so bad so if you know how (and I personally know you!!) hit me up and teach me!
Liked by: Timmy Dipshit

How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?

I don't know but pretty young but not too young. I remember I kept falling and getting pissed off lol

How To Save A Life- The Fray....That song reminds me of you. You would understand if you knew who this is...

I actually absolutely love that song. I listen to it quite often actually. I have a few people in mind to whom this could be so you should text me so I don't have to continue playing the guessing game.

If Teryn liked Taylor then why would he still be dating Baylee. They've been dating for quite a while now so I'm pretty sure that something as little as Teryn asking Taylor why she didn't like him anymore won't harm anything. Their both madly in love with each other so why mess with that?

Breahn Reveling
Truth be told.
Liked by: Breahn Reveling

oh you dont think so? on taylor hults ask someone asked if she missed teryn and she gave a sarcastic answer and said no. then your boyfriend asked her why when he thought it was anonymous. if he wasn't losing intrest why would he care? go to her page and see for yourself;)

I don't know her that well, but I'm pretty sure it's Holt** but I could be wrong.
And honestly, why do you feel like doing this? You aren't doing anything to affect me so this is pointless.

well you act like you and taryn have a perfect relationship and that you guys never fight. well obviously not. you guys clearly aren't going to last becase he is losing intrest in you fast sweetie;)

If you want to bring my boyfriend into your pointless insults, then spell his damn name right.
And you know nothing about our relationship what so ever. You may know a lot about me, you may know a lot about him, you may know nothing at all about the both of us, but I guarantee you know absolutely nothing about our relationship. And we do fight, but every couple does. It happens, oh well. And I'm pretty sure he isn't but think what you want.;)

well your spoiled. you get everything you want handed to you. when was the last time you even had to work for anything?

I'm actually not spoiled, but good try for attempting to insult me. I actually do work for the things I have. I do it all the time. It may not be money wise but I help out my parents a lot, i get good grades, I'm good in school, I'm a good kid. Nice try though;)


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