
Baylee McKay

Ask @bayleejomckayy

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What is your attitude to smoking?

dont do it. if they continue to make it legal, okay but what they should do, is if your going to smoke outside, you must sit in a box with no openings so we cant get your second hand smoke. its not out fault you want to kill yourself, dont include us. My grandpa had to get tripple bypass surgery last year because of smoking. he has quit now after years and years. godbless♡
but yeah, no no.

what happened to you and sam

okay. he hates me. why? heres why,
He THINKS I used him for attention and played him. He is telling people that I said I would go out with him FOR SURE if he dumped Caylie and after he did it I said no and started dating Teryn. well thats hell'a wrong.
What REALLY happened is I saw him 2 weeks before school started after vball tryouts and I talked to him. I started to like him a little bit, but not much. He then texted me after he saw me and we talked. He offered to play the question game, so I did. He asked how I liked and I said "You a little bit. hbu?" just straight up. and he said "well im dating someone, you have to guess." I guessed correctly and whatever and said okay. A few days later he then asked if he broke up with Caylie right this moment (at the time) if I would go out with him and I said "idk why?" and he then texted me back 20 minutes later saying "cause I just did" and had shortly after asked me out. I said I wasnt ready for a relationship at the moment, maybe when school starts. (so this is about a week before school had started)
So school started and we had already been a week into school and everything was fine. Then about a week before homecoming Sam texted me and said "if I asked you out at homecoming would you say yes (1 year anniversary)" and I said "im not sure, im not positive if I truly like you." (because I never said I really really did, I said a little bit!!!!) and he got all butt sore and everything and blah blah blah. Then two days before homecoming me and Teryn started dating and I really liked him! and so yeah. sam found out, and heard a bunch of crap and yeah. Now he hates me. But yeah thats the real story so Jacob, and Dallas and all them can stop being assholes to me about it because I didnt lead him on, he put words into my mouth.

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do u get mad when teryn talks to other girls?

no because I talk to other guys. and he doesnt flirt with them or anything, he's not like that, he's cool.


Language: English