
Baylee McKay

Ask @bayleejomckayy

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best Valentine's day gift you could receive?

Flowers and Dove chocolate or peanut m&m's!!!♡♡♡♡♡
I would absolutely die if I ever got this, no joke.

describe you and ur boyfriends relationship

This explains it really well.
I always go far into detail, and tend to always put more words and really get into topics more than he does. I give an answer and then I back it up with a reason why. Teryn is more of a "straight forward, cut to the chase, no extra shit if it aint needed" type of guy, which is okay:) Its mostly him putting up with my random questions or comments out of the blue. I think its sorta funny... for example, in the conversation, I asked him what kind of animal he would want to be and why? he said "dog cause I'd have a house to live in:)" and then there was my answer... hahaha! but it is perfect and I couldn't ask for anything else!♡

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her you and teryn ever- kissed? held hands? hugged? slapped ur but? fell asleep together? fought really bad? almost broke up? done anything? how Lon have you guys been dating? how long do you think y'all will last?

You're so dumb. I saw in my news feed you asked Teryn this and if he isn't going to answer, I won't either. Its none of your buisness anyways, so bye.

do you think ur weird?

I actually think I am ridiculously weird but thats okay because being weird is having individuality and uniqueness and I would rather be like that than "normal" and boring.

If you could change your skin color to anything outside of the natural palette of skin colors, what color would you choose?

Liked by: Kaitlyn

have you ever: *cried yourself to sleep * starved yourself because you thought you were fat * cried just because you hated life or yourself *been suicidal *cut *been jealous of another girl *hated the way you look all together *hated life *been depressed *tried to fake being happy but it not working

yes, ive done/felt some of those things. im not saying what ones though.
Liked by: Livi

write a paragraph about Teryn

He is the best guy in the world. He is beyond caring, and so sweet. He knows everything about me from my favorite foods to what pisses me off, which most people might think that's a bad thing that he knows what pisses me off, but it only makes us stronger. Teryn and I have been through hell and back and with eachtime that happens, we always work through it and it just makes us see what it would be like without the other person, if we weren't together, and that is the worst thing I could imagine. He makes me so happy. He understands me, he knows me, he gets it. I've told him things that other people dont know. One thing I love about us, is we have secrets. We know things about each other and our relationship that no one else in the world knows and that is so cool to me. People ask me, "Do you really love him?" well shit yeah I do. He is my everything. I cherish our relationship more than anything in the whole wide world, it is so important to me. Yeah, we do stupid things. We pisses each other off sometimes, but in the end we are always okay. I honestly dont even think he understands how much I love him. There is seriously no way for me to put it into words. All I know, is I cannot see myself with anyone else that isn't him. He just makes me feel like no one else has, and I love him so much. ♡

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