
Baylee McKay

Ask @bayleejomckayy

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What gift would you like to receive on the upcoming holidays?

sweat pants
new phone case
good math grades
an a in chinese
a life
a puppy

What I'm trying to say is do you ever just want to brake it off or take a brake and clear you head of everything for awhile and have like a girls night or somthing? answer truthfully and I'm fully aware that this is none of my bis but I just wanted to no... (:

yeah, ive thought about it but that was before. and the only reason I havent had a "girls night" lately is because I spend my weekend with him one night and then do homeowork the next. thats how I like it though. but I am going to be having a girls night with ashley this weekend:) but I am very happy with teryn right now and couldnt ask for a better boyfriend. he is so amazong and im so thankful for him. I honestly love him so much.
Liked by: ellie Ashley Davis

like do you ever feel like just quiting? I mean he seems like a nice guy but also a flirt.Don't get me wrong, I'm all for you guys I ship Taylee 100% but you seem like you under a lot of stress about all this relashionship drama so what I'm trying to say is do you ever ...to.be coninued

I think I know who this is and of it is who I think, you're part of the reason and drama. and if it is who I think it is, you know who you are, and you flirt with him too all the time! its bullshit. its obvious you have a crush on him and you need to knock that shit off real quick because youre supposed to be there for me, and I would be there for you in a heartbeat.

anyways, yeah I have thought of breaking it off but so has he. we have had our ups and downs but its only made us stronger. he has made me do some really, really stupid things but ive done the same. honestly, I know he's a flirt. I do. and it pisses me the fuck off too. but he is a guy. I dont snoop his phone or anything like that so I dont know how much of a "flirt" he is but hey, if it really truly is so bad then I'll find out. but he has made me so beyond happy. he is the best thing quite honestly, that has ever happened to me. him and his family are so amazing and I love them all so much. im so happy with him right now and things are going great.

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Liked by: Ashley Davis

have you ever cried intront of anyone

daisy has seen me once.
thats it.
gabby has seen me AFTER I was done crying though.
and teryn has seen me tear up.
thats about it though.
daisy is the only one who has really seen me cry. but it wasnt even crying it was a few tears, thats it.
oh, actually that was a lie. jeffrey has seen me cry like... bad. like a lot one time. other wise thats it! I dont cry infront of people.


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