
instagram: bellindap

Kak Bell, kok bionya Kak Faiz Patalie Nortman? Apa karena Natalie Portman itu jurusan Psikologi dan hurufnya dibalik karena mereka opposite sex? Maaf Kak random gitu tapi ya lucu aja hehe

First of all, Faiz said he is impressed by the fact that you actually thought about it that deep haha but the truth is he wrote it because
One day in brisbane, Faiz and her sisters were joking around balik-balikin nama orang (most common example: Bustin Jieber). Terus Faiz kepikir Patalie Nortman and her sisters thought it's funny terus akhirnya dijadiin bio instagram sama dia.
Udah gitu doang. Hehe
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Latest answers from instagram: bellindap

Kak belinda please answer me, aku beli sunscreen serum nivea. MFG nya uda dari 04.04.18, dan dia ga cantumin exp nya, uda aku cari2 di sekeliling produknya. Apakah kira2 ini masi aman ?

SomniatorDM’s Profile PhotoIchdiah
Biasanya sih 2-3 taun setelah manufactured date masih bisa dipakee

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Are you good at keeping secrets?

You should ask my friends. Ask them why they never stop telling me theirs 😌

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