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what do you guys brings bila masuk kolej or uni yaa? yang important stuff laaa

- Toiletries
- Formal attire
- Laptop
- Some medicine stuff; panadol, ointments, heat pad
- RTE foods
- Skincare
Tu je kot penting.. rasa laptop tu pun depends on courses. Ada courses jarang pakai.


midoooooooooooooooooooo’s Profile PhotoMuh amed #ابن صاحب الأسك
بقيت بفرح وانا بطلب اي اوردر كُتب اكتر من فرحتي بطلب أي اوردر skincare products 🥰
ودي حاجة لذيذة ،، انا مبسوطة منها 🥰

Cewe kalo lagi ngumpul, selain ghibah ngapain ya? *serius nanya*

cewe ngumpul juga gak selalu ghibahh pliss😭☺️ biasanya saling berbagii info skincare, outfit, rekomendasi tempat/cafe yang bagus+lucu abistu ngobrolin akhir-akhir ini ngapain ajaa atau kadang curhat jugaa dan yang paling wajib foto sii+tiktokan yang ujung ujungnya disimpen doangg🤗🤷🏻‍♀️

Did you ever buy something with points instead of money ?

I earn points every time I shop with Boots, so I usually save them up until December and buy Christmas presents with them. I tend to buy a lot of makeup and skincare from Boots, so it does all add up!
Liked by: Khalid Paige Slater

Do you think mainstream media has overhyped skincare? I have a 20 y/o relative who's really into skincare, but she uses all the wrong products. You don't need stuff like retinol, glycolic acid, hyaluronic acid, etc. in your 20s. Those are 30+. At 20, sunscreen, vitamin C and moisturizer are enough.

We all have different skin types and needs. Anyone of any age can use hyaluronic acid under their moisturiser? It’s hydration and good for dry skin? I don’t see an issue with younger folks using glycolic or salicylic acid as long as they don’t over do it. I’d rather them do that than use a harsh scrub on their face! Vit C doesn’t agree with my sensitive skin but there are other skincare ingredients that do. Retinoids can help with acne and is often prescribed for it. Yeah it’s a bit early to be using high strength retinols for aging but I don’t see anything wrong with using a tiny bit of something less strong as long as they know to use it at night and wear their spf? I would say teens don’t need to be doing it though and they can damage their skin barrier if they mix and match the wrong products but using other basic skincare at that age is fine in my opinion 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Do you think mainstream media has overhyped skincare? I have a 20 y/o relative who's really into skincare, but she uses all the wrong products. You don't need stuff like retinol, glycolic acid, hyaluronic acid, etc. in your 20s. Those are 30+. At 20, sunscreen, vitamin C and moisturizer are enough.

I agree with you but my logic is that the earlier a person starts using retinol, glycolic acid, hyaluronic acid, etc. the more likely their skin will remain youthful looking as well as healthy in the long term (but I could be wrong). I’m 22 and have used retinol products but no longer use them anymore since I don’t really think I need them (like you said) and I like to keep my skincare routine simple.

Do you have a skincare routine?

roshsmile’s Profile PhotoMisba T. Awan
Yes. I do.
I use aloe vera gel on my face everyday and let it stay for 15 minutes. Then I ice my face for 1-2 minutes. Also exfoliate my face using a scrub every other day, it cleans pores.
At night, I just apply glycerin on my face, it's a good moisturizer. And put castor oil on my eyelashes.
I avoid face wash and go for natural soaps to wash my face.

Womit hältst du dich fit?

sweetsmillingbabym_’s Profile PhotoCurly baby
Tägliche Spaziergänge bzw. schnelles Laufen, Fitnessstudio (Krafttraining), einigermaßen gesundes Essen, Skincare, Gesichtsmassagen, viel Lachen, Sonne absorbieren, viel trinken, ab und zu mal einen dícken Burger inhalieren, genug Eiweiß, ...

Come hai passato la pandemia di covid? Racconta

elenaavagnina’s Profile Photoelenaavagnina
Mi alzavo alle 9
Skincare super mega tranquilla
Mille maschere per i capelli
Seguivo le lezioni universitarie mezza in pigiama
Videochiamata con amiche
Un sacco di tempo per cucinare
Per vedere serie tv
Insomma tutto bellissimo
Penso di essere l’unica che ha amato la pandemia !!!
Mi servirebbero sempre 2/3 per disintossicarmi dal mondo intero

ايه الحاجه اللي بتفرحك من قلبك؟🥰❤️

sooosaa9’s Profile Photoʚɞ Frawla ʚɞ
اتمشي بليل مع نفسي مع favorite playlist تحت ضوء القمر والجو تحفة فنية وارجع العب workout 💞💞
لما أروح الـ coiffeur او اشتري skincare products ودي بتبقي اسعد لحظات حياتي حرفياً وببقي so satisfied 💞💞🥳
ياسلام عليا لما ببقي رايقة واعمل أكل كمان بيطلع معمول بحب كبير💞😌

Suggest a good moisturizer and spf for oily and acne prone skin.

HusnainShahHashmi’s Profile PhotoHUSNAIN
Omg my new obsession is skincare.
I gotchu.
Although you may have to try and see what works best for you.
Since everyone has a different skin type.
Try Dermive oil free moisturiser and Spectra Matt spf, both are from Jenpharm. They're good products and not that expensive either.

Aging means being extra careful with everything you eat, as even breathing seems to make you gain weight, spending thousands monthly on skincare products and treatments, and finding yourself spending the whole day in bed when sober because recovery takes longer. Enjoy your 20s y'all.

My mom looks younger than her actual age (at least that’s what people have said to her) and she doesn’t use a bunch of skincare products to look “younger”. She also doesn’t spend the whole day in bed and is more productive than I am on almost days. But, she does eat healthy and isn’t a fan of sweets like I am so that might have something to do with her youthful complexion but I think it’s mostly genetic. She’s also the kind of person who refuses to get facial treatments or have anything done to her face.

ما أنت؟ وليس من أنت، لا أريد اسمك، بل أريد فكرك، اعتقادك، وماهيتك، فما أنت؟

MiDoEleraqi’s Profile Photoمحمد العراقي
- just a quite girl.
- devotes her life to god.
- obsessed with (skincare, healthy life style, vintage style).
- can't relates to ppl or being in luv cuz she's too emotional.

Ce tips and tricks aveți legate de produse de beauty și o rutină mai bună? Ce a mers pentru voi?

Să mergeți măcar odată la un facial ca să vă cunoașteți pielea. Am mers și a fost game changer pentru mine. Urmează să îmi schimb total rutina pentru skincare. 🙂
Liked by: Laura Ionel Radu Anitta

What are some of your go-to skincare products? Any particular brands you prefer/stick with? 🧖

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
To be fair, I do very little skincare. 😅
Basically everything I tried harmed my skin more than it did me any good.
The only brand that doesn’t react too bad on my skin is Naïf. I also use micellair water from Garnier as my make up remover and I use Youth Repairing Sleep Oil from Catrice every now and then.

What are some of your go-to skincare products? Any particular brands you prefer/stick with? 🧖

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
at the moment i just use simple brand's facial cleanser and moisturiser. i'm also trying to source a bottle of nivea mattifying spf+, but i can't find it in stores, so i'll probably have to order it online.
i'm curious about implementing retinol and hyaluronic acid as well. i'm nearly 30, so i need to up my skincare game.

What are some of your go-to skincare products? Any particular brands you prefer/stick with? 🧖

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I mainly use various kinds of moisturizer but those are more of the medical variety! Canoderm and a certain other one from my local pharmacy are two I use! Since I'm prone to get occasional eczema and my hands especially often get very dry in the winter 🥴 Taking my fingerprints is basically impossible cause of it. Was a major headache when that was mandatory when entering Japan and China lol
What are some of your goto skincare products Any particular brands you

What are some of your go-to skincare products? Any particular brands you prefer/stick with? 🧖

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
✦ ───────────── ✦
I'm currently sticking with The Body Shop as their products are animal cruelty-free and also their products permeate quickly into the skin, are silicone-free, free of alcohol and perfume.

What are some of your go-to skincare products? Any particular brands you prefer/stick with? 🧖

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I have sentivity skin..my face comes out in red rashes from heat from the shower can't use nothing on my face like soap ect why I'm showering for that reason when it's does my face burn up once my skin is cool from the shower the redness go
I like use the brand simple
Face wash
And moisture
I like use clay mask time to time
What are some of your goto skincare products Any particular brands you

What are some of your go-to skincare products? Any particular brands you prefer/stick with? 🧖

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I like simple products, they're a safe bet that they won't irritate my skin so I do tend to stick with those where possible. I also like cocoa butter, also a safe one and it smells amazing 😂

Do you think heavy makeup can make someone look way older than they actually are? Personally I've seen plenty of teenage girls looking 25+ with makeup on.

Makeup can do anything you want it to do if you’re good. I’ve seen some crazy stuff. I just like it for aesthetic. On the same topic though I recently read a thing about how Gen Z look so much older than millennials and it’s partly because of all the skincare they use. Using harsh chemicals so young and all. I’ve always said this. People ask my skincare routine since I look young but I’ve never had one. People over use things or use them unnecessarily. I’ve recently been buying some food grade oils to use in hair and skin. Why not go straight to the source instead of buying some fancy expensive product with chemicals added to it? My hair has never looked or felt better. I started with coconut oil and now I’m experimenting.

[☆] ¿Has empezado a cultivar nuevos hábitos? si es que sí, ¿cuáles? si no queréis responder, espacio libre.

¡¡Anna!!🤍. Sí, el de la skincare, pero esta vez completa: con el gel limpiador, el tónico y la crema de después, para hacerlo por el día y por la noche sin fallo🤞. Y si me maquillo, quitarme el maquillaje con el líquido desmaquillante y luego ya lo otro descrito arriba.
También quiero dejar a un lado las redes sociales, es decir, el consumo que hago de ellas, porque la mayor parte del tiempo que le invierto, está muy malgastado, le doy demasiada importancia y es que no vivo de redes sociales. Por lo tanto, quiero reducir su uso, y lo haré, y adentrarme en el mundo de la lectura poco a poco, es decir, leer libros. Creo que me encantará y además de ampliar el vocabulario, voy a tener más facilidad a la hora de hablar y de expresarme y me voy a sentir muy a gusto.
Me estoy centrando poco a poco en otros dos temas que aquí no voy a decir (de momento), y bueno lo dicho: poco a poco.
Seguro que iré teniendo más y que sean sanos✨️.

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Cuáles son los productos que utilizan para una buena rutina de skincare ?

Nada ,las más bellas casi no se ponen casi nada ,yo no me pongo casi nada y mi piel 🤍 también por eso muchos seguidores de piel y manos.
Liked by: Ivanovafl23

3 headcanons about your character 🧠

─﹙🌧﹚: ascolta ogni genere di musica, ma ha una passione per il k-pop. Ha iniziato ad ascoltarla per curiosità all'età di tredici anni fino a che non se n'è appassionato diventando un vero e proprio fan, un k-popper per utilizzare il termine adatto. È un collezionista di album di gruppi di idol e singoli, e quando ne ha l'occasione partecipa volentieri ai loro concerti. Grazie alla sua fortuna sfacciata, ha vinto biglietti tramite giveway sui social o viaggi direttamente per la Corea. Difatti, Tommaso, ama viaggiare per il mondo e sono state innumerevoli le tappe nella capitale, Seoul. Inoltre si tiene aggiornato su tutto ciò che accade in questo paese.
─﹙🌧﹚: abituato ad ottenere tutto ciò che desidera, ha una voglia di impegnarsi pari a zero. Nonostante sia per la maggior parte del tempo svogliato, alla recitazione viene ritagliata un posto speciale considerando il suo amore per tale disciplina, Tommaso assume un ruolo responsabile e maturo e dà tutto sé stesso per arrivare al proprio obiettivo in maniera eccezionale.
─﹙🌧﹚: possiede un'autostima altissima ( beato lui ) sia per quanto concerne l'aspetto fisico che psicologico. Vanesio fino alle stelle, Tommaso sa di possedere un tipo di fascino in grado di ammaliare e se ci mette anche il suo charme ha la preda in pugno. Cura il suo aspetto assiduamente, le skincare mattutine sono all'ordine del giorno e adora improfumarsi dalla testa ai piedi.

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3 headcanons about your character

Co si sebou bereš na přespávačky u kluků?

Ahoj, když jsem ještě nebydlela s přítelem, (než jsem si k němu nastěhovala třetinu věcí) 😄🙈, tak jsem si brala asi takovou klasiku, základní věci, co používám. Nix extra většinou nepotřebuješ
• Kartáček na zuby, hřeben a základní skincare. Mýdlo nebo šampon jsem si nebrala a půjčila jsem si od něj, ale záleží, jestli třeba preferuješ svou konkrétní značku, že 😄
• Oblečení, ať se u něj můžu převléct do něčeho pohodlného. Případně na druhý den, když jsme se někam chystali. Prostě podle toho, co je v plánu a jak dlouho zůstáváš.
Na spaní jsem si půjčovala jeho triko, a to zas záleží na vás, jak to mezi vámi je 😄
• Vložky, tampony, nebo jinou MS potřebu, co používáš. Pro jistotu.
• Pak si můžeš vzít kondomy, lubrikant (pokud používáte nebo je šance, že by na něco sexuálního došlo).
• Peníze, občanku, prostě peněženku si rozhodně nezapomeň.
• Pokud jedeš delší dobu, tak sluchátka, knížku nebo něco na cestu.
Určitě jsem na něco zapomenula. Samozřejmě se zabal podle sebe. Ty víš, co využiješ a co ne 😄. Taky se to trochu liší v závislosti na tom, jestli spolu chodíte nebo ne a jak dlouho u něj jsi.

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Di cosa non ti fidi?

delle persone fin troppo sicure, delle belle parole, dei tipi che mettono like ad ogni foto di ogni essere femminile esistente e mai ad un uomo, un pensiero o un paesaggio (sì, ho una mente chiusa perdonatemi) e, per finire, non mi fido della maggior parte dei prodotti per skincare, ché mi provocano sfoghi mai avuti e mi spingono a prendere in considerazione il detersivo per stoviglie come nuovo detergente per il viso

Cara menyikapi adik cewek yg memasuki remaja gimana ya baiknya?

paunkuskas’s Profile PhotoLaki-Laki Pemalu
Kebetulan adikku juga masuk masa remajanya 🖤 So here we go~
Remaja sekarang beda banget sama remaja dahulu kala. Jadi cukup arahkan dan ingatkan dia. Biarkan dia melakukan hal yang dia mau atau suka. Support mereka, jangan di larang. Karena di masa ini, dia juga bisa nemuin passion nya nih. Tapi ketika hal tersebut berlebihan, kalian jangan segan2 untuk mengingatkan ya. Dengan perlahan agar responnya juga baik.
Contoh deh, anak remaja zaman sekarang gak bisa jauh dari gadget. Kalian bisa tanya aplikasi yang dia download apa saja, dan game yang dia mainkan apa. Jika menurut kalian berlebihan, di kasih tau dia nya. Tapi kalau masih aman, don't worry dia juga bisa jaga dirinya sendiri. Berikan dia kepercayaan juga.
Contoh lainnya, kalian bisa tanyakan kegiatannya seharian disekolah ngapain aja, temennya, gurunya dll. Dengan sendirinya dia bakal cerita ke kalian tentang harinya. Jadilah pendengar yang baik.
And the last, for beauty. Anak remaja juga butuh perawatan loh ya. Rekomendasikan mereka skincare yang aman buat remaja. Just skincare ya, without make up. Karena make up buat dia cukup sunscreen/sunblock, face powder dan balm (pelembab bibir) dulu. Jangan berlebihan. Ajarkan mereka untuk merawat diri sejak dini. Fighting beauties, you can do it! 😍💓

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Language: English