

Ask @khld_12

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Do you have a music box? I randomly remembered having one when I was a child. This was 25+ years ago but I do remember that it was wedding themed- when you opened it, it played a melody while the bride and groom figurines spun around. I might get one too, but with a different theme, they look rad

People used to have these nostalgic things.. technology has changed everything

Tell it to my heart, tell me I'm the only one, is this really love or just a game? tell it to my heart, I can feel my body rock, everytime you call my naaaame

Whats your name 😅

Hot summer streets and the pavements are burning, I sit around trying to smile, but the air is so heavy and dry! Strange voices are saying things I can't understand, It's too close for comfort, this heat has got right out of hand!

Summer has its vibes ♥️

Agree/Disagree: Men shouldn't be super skinny. The ideal body for a man is leaning towards ripped. Not twiggy, not dad-bod-beer-belly like. Not super buff, like heavy weight lifter champ. Just medium buff, and a still intact hairline. Never patchy beards. Full beard or no beard at all.

Is anything left out?


Language: English